he will be a great boss

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Ayden PO.V 

" Oh buddy come here I said to James as he ran to his room not even looking back 

" JAMES !" I yelled  he slammed the door to his room in my face 

"mommy is never coming back is she ?" he asked through the door 

" oh buddy im going to get  her  back i promise I said leaning on his door. 

" no you won't  you will push her away like everyone else" he said opening the door I fell into h is from and saw he there things around his room .  rhen i saw a pic of me with my eyes scratched off 

"oh buddy i will get her back i promise of my life," I said to him he looked at me rubbing his hands together. 

" fine on you r life life it shall be," he said with an underwood smirk he will make a great boss one day. 

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