him finding out

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"Mary me "Marshal asked looking deep in my eyes 

"  i can't im stuck with Ayden remember my parents kind of sold me to him " i said 

 i heard a grunt coming from xay 

" they make me sick i want them dead "xay said  shooting his gun at the target 

" they think it will help with my ....." i was about to say my illness but i looked at Marshalli don't want him to know yet . 

" are you kidding me sis your new heart should be fine " Xay said then i gave him are you serious kind of look 

" your  new heart ?" Marshall asked .  then he looked  at me with sadness 

"XavierEugune Whitmore," i said looking at my brother with an evil grin he looked frightened good

"eve "Marshall wimpered and held me in his arms i was  furious that Xay said anything i could feel my  blood boiling and tears welling up in my eyes . i never wanted to see that  sadness in Marshall eyes ever about me . 

"no no no not happening I wasn't going to tell you i wanted to stay perfect in your eyes not damaged not the girl whose heart stopped in a field in itally .  and now has the mother of Ayden child heart beating in her chest " i said letting it all out " in one breath  . my chest started hurting so i grbbed it and Marshall moved so fast and held me in his arms great i will never be perfect  i guess this is me .  

then Zayn came down seeing me in Marshall arms and Xay's worried look 

"what happen ?"Zayn asked  worried then looked me over  then he picked up the phone and i kind of got sleepy so i i drifted off to sleep in Marshall arms .    well now he knows now about me . 

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