i love playing around

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Eve P.O.V

"  you are going to the gun range ?"Marshall asked i smiled 

" bo she going to stay with me right ?"Alica said 

"Eve missing shooting what did Europe make you soft sis "Xavier said  teasing me 

" come at me bro ?"i said  he smiled and charged at me  i got him pinned down  the next five seconds by the neck 

"oh wow you are the perfect girl "Marshall said  winking at me i looked at Alica she looked in shock 

"what just because I'm pretty doesn't mean im innocent," i said to her my bother thought it was time to try again but he was wrong i pressed on his pressure point, and he went down 

" seriously no wonder you aren't afraid of the mafia bosses who want you, "Marshall said 

"are you one of them dragon ?" I asked he smiled. 

"How are you going to wake him up ?"Zyann asked 

" watch I said  then whispered into my brother's ear 

" WHO GOT MY SISTER PREGNANT !"Xaxier said  shooting up quickly i smiled looking at everyone they looked shocked again 

"What?"I  said acting coy I love playing around 

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