watching my dream leave.

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Ayden  P.O.V. 

  she didnt even flinch at my outburst she must be really mad I'm scared she might leave me. 

" Baby im sorry," I said to her she just smiled at me and touched my face but I saw the twitch in her eye . 

" you will be soon," she said walking smiling then turning to walk away  I was confused. 

" what is that suppose to mean Eveynn ?' I asked she was heading into our room then I heard her bags being moved. she leaving me. 


Derek may you please help me with my bags ?" she asked poking her head out the door frame looking past me at Derek.  who was kind of afraid to  help my father pointed him to go . so he did .  i think he is enjoying the show a little to much . 

"where do you think you are going ?"I asked pissed off she might go back to Blackrose 

" to the only man I know what lie to me, "she said back 

"you're not going back to BlackRose," I said completely upset. 

"who said it was BlackRose," she said back with too much ease. 

" then who is it ?" I asked confused about who it can be 

"Zyan is a sweetheart," she said. then I heard my father cough 

She knows Falcone?" he asked 

"yes father they are friends," I said thinking how she will go to America I'm not paying for her to leave me. 

"who will pay for your plane ride ?" I asked full confident she didn't think of that. and can't leave me . 

she laughed 

" silly Ayden I'm friends with the BlackRose family who has three private planes I still have clearance to go on at any time I want to" she laughed.  then I thought about what she said about James being the only reason she would stay.  so I smiled 

" what about James ?" I asked then I heard her stop and then saw her run into James' room . I rann into the room.   and saw them hugging.  she didn't look at me just looked at James 

James baby mommy is gonna go on a trip for a while .  ok but know I love you more than anything," she said kissing his forehead .  that pissed me off at least look me in the eyes. 

"Look at me " I said . though mt teeth 

"daddy mad ?"James said gripping on Eve more 

""so is a mommy that why she gonna going on the trip but I love you so much but I'm gonna go for a while," she said she finally looked at me . daring me to try to say anything that may scare my son.  she placed him down and blew him a kiss his little hand caught it and he put it over his heart . then she started to walk past me. I grabbed her  arm 

"let me go " she said pissed. i saw her arm I didn't mean to grab her that hard .  she walked past my  father who just smiled at her but the moment she wasn't in her view he stopped then looked at me like do something.  she was already out the door I ran past my father then I heard my son's little feet right behind me.  once I was outside I saw her at the gate she looked back it broke me why do I always lose the women I love due to my foolishness i looked down at James who holding my leg crying at Eve leaving us. 

  once I couldn't see her anymore I couldn't hold it anymore 

"ahhhhh " !!!! " my father just stood there he enjoyed this way too much. 

  i just watched my dream leave. 

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