he hates me

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Ayden P.O.V. 

 once James left the room my dad  looked at me 

" hold up last year Ayden didn't you get stabbed by a person in a mask  and they licked the knife?" he said with a smirk 

" yes Father I did " I said  thinking about it 

" it was her I met you that afternoon, "Frank said  he was right 

"  so your girl gave you that scar on your chest before you meet each other " my dad laughed at me pointing 

" hey why are we laughing at Ayden said my sister coming in the house with a girl .  who was looking me over . 

" Aydem you remember Jessica Russo ?" Emily said smilin' but i was to busy looking at Jessi's body over . 


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"Emily," dad said  telling her to stop yelling 

"hi Ayden" Jessi said getting on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek 

"hello Jessica nice to see you again," i said, 

" so what are we doing ?" Emily asked 

" we are going to  the meeting together so I can get my fiancee back," i said then I saw Jessica's smile fade

" so why am i here ?" Jessica asked 

" im taking you as my date to make her jealous " i said honestly 

" and to help me get back at Lucas " Emily chimed in Jessica smiled

" this is business  I'm only trying to get her back not just for me but for my son too " i said looking toward his door. 

" he not coming to he's upset he loves Eve and she loves him she said the only reason she would come back is for him " i said having the bitter truth that she doesn't love me as I love her.

"nonsense i will go get my nephew Emily said walking past me to James'a door 

" AYDEN !!!" Emily yelled once she opened Jsmes 's door  i saw James little hand holding a gun  at Emily  with tears in his eyes 

"James !" i  yelled  taking the gun out of his hand 

" i just want mommy not Aunt em daddy," he said  crying and getting in the fetal position  on the ground 

" i know son i have  a plan to get her back I said trying  to hug him 

" Don't  touch me Ayden,"  he said running out of his room  

" did he call you Ayden ?" Emily asked 

" he hates me Em," i said letting a tear fall down my face Emily hugged me. 

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