watching her be happy without me

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Ayden P.O.V

" ok i called around Lucas is in his plane and so are his brothers and niece they are all going to America "Emily said . i knew why they were going but I couldn't phantom the woman I love would have another man's ring on her finger . as his "wfe when she is mine. i was in a trance I couldn't say anything,

" the meeting isn't until next month why are they all.. " my dad said then he remembered why they are going . which angered me.

" Derek call for my plane we are going to America," I said getting out of my trance

"we are going to see mommy? "James asked coming out of his room

" yea buddy but you might see something that can confuse you, "Emily said then looked at me with pity

"ok i just want to see my mommy !"James said with pride but i only felt pain for him

" sir they said they are for you il have a limo waiting for you all outside, "Derek said

" wait i didn't pack who am I kidding im gonna go shopping while there, "Emily said then laughed

"im not going im staying her and wait for my death "Anglia said and walked out to her car .

' lets go "James said with a back pack filled with his toys and some clothes

" ok im packed and Jensen is coming, "dad said putting the phone down

"ok then lets go i said grabbing the extra bag I had already made that I kept in the front closet.

once w got in the limo i put James on my lap and Jessi tried to sit next to us

" are we really going to America to stop another family tradition ?" she asked

i covered James ears

" yes to stop the love of my life to stop her to remind her the real man she loves is there might stop her," i said

" but baby bro what if she loves him too ?"Emily asked

"impossible my father said smiling at me then winked -

" drive faster " i yelled to the driver i heled onto James harder

" we are her sir " Derek said we are at dad's house and Jensen was just smiling at me with his shades on . ugh i hate his smug face

"hey fam lets go to America !" he yelled

" shut up idiot " i said

" oh Ayden i heard your girl left you for a dragon, "Jensen said smiling

" don't make me shoot you again Jen," i said then he stopped smiling

"that's what i thought " I laughed

"sir we are at the airport. "Derek said

" where does falcone live again ?"dad asked while we got out .

"Califorina "Emily said

"oh so we are going to be on the plane for twelve hours "Dad said like it was nothing

" lets go " i said carrying my boy onto the plane

" her you go any boy once you wake up you will see mommy i promise " i said kissing his for head i truned to see Jessi on crossing her arms at me like she mad at me i don't care .

" are we ready yet !" i yelled pass her to my family.

"coming don't rush me Ayden "Emily yelled

" I'm right here bro "Jensen said coming onto the plane behind Jessi

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