plan my life with her

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Ayden P.O.V

I saw the look in Eve's eyes when I kissed her palm  she knows I'm being honest about my feelings toward her . 

"Hayden i think James is til sleepy, "she said holding her stomach wich James is attracted to his fighting sleep   I looked at the clock it past his bedtime.  how long did we nap .

"buddy want to go back to sleep want to sleep in bed with mommy and me. "I asked Eve looked up at me like I lost my mind. 

"don't worry our bed is big enough for us al to have room " I laughed 

"no Ayden we haven't eaten diner ye t it isn't time for bed  ... she said but looked at the clock 

"oh wow yea buddy how about mommy cook dinner huh ?" she said to the half-sleep James who smiled. 

"babe we have a personal chief you don't have to cook, "I said  she looked down

"oh yea you don't need me to cook " she said frowning 

" I want mommy food "James said hugging Eve tighter  she smiled 

"no I'm sure your father has a better-sophisticated meal than mine I have planned, "she said   bending down looking James in the eyes 

" no the chef making pizza " I laughed she hit me  "Ayden," she said  I love hearing my name come out of her mouth it's like honey I can't wait to plan a life with her 

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