ready for whatever comes our way

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Eve P.O.V

" Just a touch of you love is all I need in my life "i said kissing him showing him  im telling the truth 

" hey you guy might want to hurry the Dragons are all here  and i mean ALLL" Xavier said looking at Marshal wilh pitty 

" he is her too huh "Marshal asked 

" yup !"Xavier said popping the p 

 i don't know what came over me but i don't like seeing Marshal like this so i will fix it. 

"Marsh this is a good thing  " i said 

"how the man that killed the only woman that loved me is here I mean the only other woman that loved me . "Marshall said  when he saw my face when he said the only woman 

"   because we must show strength  nothing will divides us we are one" I said  to Marshall he smiled at me hard 

" relay my statement to Kol " i said to my brother 

" god, you are perfect my love !" Marshall said picking me  up 

" ok  ok i have to take her and get her ready in the dress and stuff for tonight " Alica said  once Marshal put me down  but held onto my waist
"Marsh i have to go " i said but he wimpred like a dog   to the lost of my body i only moved a inch then he snapped me back to him 
Marshall please i have to get ready please " i begged yet he was nuzzling into my neck

"babe i will be back waiy until you see me in my dress " i said turning  to him 

" ill be that guy at the end of the aisle" he said blowing me a kiss 

" ok lets go   wow you don't even need make up  maybe just some ..... nope you are good "  then Alica  pinched my cheeks  

"ow thanks " i said 

" how do you look amazing without make up ?"she asked 

"no  clue but... " i said while Alica pulled me into a room which im guessing is her and Zyann room 

" his family is down stairs girl when i say you should feel scared im serious they are all so serious no wonder they are the top family  oh and his sister is a lot  to but i know you don't fear any one but his grandfather fears me " Alica said 

"ive meet Enzo before as a kid he is harmless unless he doesn't 't like you " i said fixing my hair in the mirror . 

 god girl you can see you whole back in this dress " she said looking at it 

" i know i need to look good for my man  i said taking off my bra  off but a sticky tape to keep then dress from showing my nipples  

 " Damm i look amazing " i said put on gloss 

"  i'm so ready for love " i said  giving myself a kiss in the mirror  then fixed my gloss 

* kock * knock 

" yes "Alica said covering me  incase it is Marshall it wsa Zyann he looked down and sad 

"what's wrong ?" i asked moing from behind Alica 

" the Underwoods are her all of them are staying at my hotel down the hil that's why  the Dragons are  here" he said 

" wait so Ayden came her with his whole family and my son " i said upset and  confused he only came after me because somone else wants me and loves me 

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