Wish you could

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Eve P.O.V  

"once i hung up on Ayden i ran into Marshall arms just to remind him im his  and only called for  River protection 

" ok the hit is off Enzo respect the Blackrose family to Harm  one of them it was a   way to make the undeerwoods sweat     because Lucas can't stand Ayden new girl "xay said  i turned and sighed that River is ok then kissed Marshall 

" what was that for ?"Marshall asked 

" you don't want me to kiss you anymore?" i wondered acting coy 

"Mon cher kiss you is is  like kissing   the goddess of love herself, "Marshall said kissing me  his hands romed all over my body then he grabbed my but once i gasped he kissed me harder 

" ahem hello " i heard then turned to my brother crossing his arms 

" yes  Xay you know we like each other yes but you guys looked like  you ere about to have sex right here in front of us i mean Marshal never closes his shirts, "Alica said 

"oh sorry  i wouldn't mind Marshall being my first " i said honestly 

"   hold up you are a virgin ?" Alics asked 

"duh im only seventeen  i was waiting for the right guy to pop my cherry i said kissing Marshal on the cheek 

"   what ever y big brother wants to hear from their sister "xay said i forgot i still had a blade in my hoster under my jeans so i   took it out and thew it at him he caught it.

" you wish you could  "he said then too  out his phone then smiled at me . 

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