nothing holding me back

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Ayden P.O.V 

" i accept your apology father but you might have caused me to lose her forever to that guy i can't have that, "i said I can feel my nails digging into my skin, and im bleeding a little. 

"son you are making yourself bleed she means that much to you but he's a dragon he can't be touched, " my  dad said  then I saw a spark in his eyes for a second 

" what if we get someone close to him like your sister,"  he said with a smirk 

" i would never do that to Emma's dad not again," I said 

"  if it's for your son ?" he said he got me there 

"dammit call  Emma  Derek," i said feeling drafted he knew I would do anything for my baby boy. 

" put it on speaker she can't say no to her father, " my  father said winking at me because he knew she  would say no to me but not him if she wanted his money 

* ring 

" what idiot " i heard my sister's voice say after one ring 

"i need your help " i said 


"Emma listen to you brother now it's for your nephew, "my father said 

" oh wao way to ambush me  twerp "  she said i now it was toward me 

" stop it now i told him to call you, "my father said 

" sorry dad  fine what do you need help with ?"

" i need to get my love back from the clutches of a Dragon at the annual meeting," i said my sister had a vendetta against the dragon family since   dragoLucas  dumped her in front of all of her friends I mean her followers and she hates his family for it. 

"How did your love become in in clutches of a dragon ?"

"it isn'tLucas  it a Marshall dragon ?" i questioned  to see if she knows about him 

"oh my god Marshall dragon the deadly mercenary of the Dragon family " she said in a gasp. 

" is he that deadly ?" my father asked 

" yea remember that three headshots of the  du lac family last year in the car he was the shooter " 

 that girl enjoys danger huh ?" she said I could tell she smiling 

"damn that car was flying and he got all three with one bullet," dad said 

" im  scrwed  huh?  but I need to get Eve back " I said 

" are we going to the meeting this year father if she is with s dragon they like to show off their women if she is with him she will be there, with him, " Emma said 

"  we are counting on it, " my father said looking at me and my hand that was bleeding I didn't care i am so determined to get my girl back from him. 

"  so there isn't any thing i woyldn't do for my boy he need his new mother  i need her 

" so there isn't holding you back from getting her but the dragons . 

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