the monster has a heart.

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Evelynn P.O.V.

 He did not just fake sleep to avoid my question but he is so silly . i couldn't help but laugh.  i was thinking of James while I wrapped in Ayden arm with his mother name on it so I moved away from Ayden who was sound Saleep . 

"where are you going ?' he asked in mumbles.  opening his eyes  

"I want to see my baby," I said honestly 

"Babe James is fine" he said turning over looking up at me.

"Ayden, after he asked would he lose me, broke me inside  I accepted i might die years ago but looking into that baby eyes makes me regret giving up so early i want to fight for him. "

"what about me ?"he asked 

"Ayden i was traded to you  so you can help me live until my last days remember, "I said acppecting the  real reason i got this family as to pay off my parent's debt to him. i felt the tear fall then felt arms around me 

" Evelynn yes this started as that but look at it this way i  finally know what love is because i have you and James has an amazing mother .  which is you "he said and kissed my hand i looked up st him and then looked at his arm 

"Ayden can i ask you something ?

"anything " he said looking down at me . 

"what happen to Sara  you said she at the bottom of the blue ocean floor "i said he looked frighten .

"i cant tell you it hurts , "he said 

"ok i said walking away from him heading toward James' room.  then i saw a pic of a woman and Ayden holding her stomach.  on the table before the door. that why he held me all the way to the bed  i gues it Sara . and i think this is when she was pregnant with James she was beautiful, 

 and i think this is when she was pregnant with James she was beautiful, 

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Ayden "I said turning to him seeing him crying.  looking at the pic that I'm looking at . 

 the monster has a heart. 

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