the rings

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Eve P.O.V

"moncher you are just staring at me not that im complaining but after we told t you about the rings you  been looking at  me "Marshall said i guess i was lost in my mind knowing i can be his 

"how fast can we do thing rings?" I asked  smiling at Marshall 

" how about tomorrow the dragon family has to be here for the ceremony," Xay said 

" um the   Dragons as in Enzo and Lucas, and  Finn," i asked remembering all of the  Dragons  i know 

" wow im i am impressed you know my fault but you forgot my baby brother and twin sister, "Marshall said which shocked me  i don't know any other women Dagons but Bonnie Dragon his grandmother.

" you have a sister," I asked 

" yes Marsh  is a twin him and  Camille" Zayn said 

"I hope she will like me I hope any of your family will like me i said feeling nervous 

" they will see how I love you and they will  love you too," Marshall said  which shocked me he said he loves me 

" you love me ?" I asked  doing puppy dog eyes to him . he smiled 

"Well I um.. care deeply for you," he said trying to avoid my eyes  

" you love.... me " I teased 

" argh damn right I do he said picking me up and spinning me in his arms. I saw my brother holding up his phone I think he was tapping us.  

"OK why don't you and Alica check out the ring you want "Marshall said letting me down "OK babe I said grabbing Alica we ran upstairs. 

" girl you didn't even come here for love just to lay low from the Underwoods now we are looking for rings wow  you  are lucky, "Alica said 

" hey look for my ring too mon cher !" Marshall yelled  up the stairs 

"OK babe " I yelled back  looking  up the ring online 

"you better treat my sister right been though she won't be your wife " i heard xay say before i closed the door 

" i love  it i said looking at a diamond ring for me and a dragon red ring for Marshall

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