it's fun

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Eve P.O.V.

  knew me staring at him with the knife in y hand freaked him out but I was thinking of all the things I could do to him to make it look like a accident ,  am I wrong he is the one claiming this is real when a girl he clearly slept with is carrying his child is real pretending to be a family isn't . but then I looked at James his love for me is real to him I am his mother and o accept the role but with Ayden I don't know. in some way, I want to but then something like this I just want to pull away from him  

"is Derek eating with us " I asked Ayden  pulling out a plate 

"No you have to go home to his wife and eat with her, "he said then I thought of a way to mess with Ayden   sound upset that Derek was married 

"he married " I sighed sounding disappointed I felt Ayden's eyes on the back of my head then turned and  pouted and put a plate back  then I turned around to him upset then I smiled. 

" why did yu sound sad he is married ?" he asked 

"Ayden not now it time to eat " " I said pointing to the food I made us.

" it looks yummy mommy, "James said 

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" it looks yummy mommy, "James said 

"Thanks baby I loved my little helper," I said smiling at him avoiding Ayden's eyes.  but I can feel his anger . 

"Evelynn" Ayden said through his teeth I looked up. 

"Ayden " I said putting food in my mouth then pointing to the food he looked down and started eating his food. 

"damn thats good," he said I smiled 

"I know my grandmother taught me," I said 

""Un americano ti ha insegnato a cucinare il cibo italiano, "Ayden said 

"My grandmother was from scily Italy and moved to America,"  i said making him get his facts straight. 

  you under stand Italian ?"Ayden asked 

"Duh it's  my first language  i speak in English because i had to use it for so long . in America . 

"do you ever want to go back ?he asked 

"yes to hang out with my girls but i can call them and talk  but they  will ask what h happen to Ace " i said being honest  he looked up from his food looking at me . 

" you can tell them you found someone better, "he said smiling I'm about to wipe that off. 

"did I?" I asked i love messing with him the look on his face is so funny. It's fun doing this. 

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