we need her more than ever

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Ayden P.O.V. 

" He hates me Em " i said letting the tears Brimm my eyes my son hates me 

" he doesn't hate you " my father said 

" he pulled a gun out he want Eve  and he pushed me away and called me by my n name he hates me " i said looking my father dead in the eyes then broke down thinking of my boy .

" son  you will get her back" my father said hugging me . it felt weird i don't remember him hugging me expect when i lost Sara. 

"how she with a Dragon the deadliest on of all of them if he wan;ts her how do I stand a chance ?"  i said  punching the wall .  then i heard a little sob i looked up seeing my baby boy was looking at the hole i put in the wall but saw he was crying.

Daddy" James said looking at me 

"mommy is with a Dragon like uncle Lucas ?" he asked  looking at Emily 

" yea like uncle Lucas  but sweet pea he isn't with me any more Emily explianed 

" oh so you are useless " James said  giving Emily a death glare and then looked at Jessi like he was going to kill her . 

"Damn "my father said  smirking 

"Ayden get your child, "Emily said crossing her arms 

" he isn't wrong because you had to get all high and mighty with Lucas that why he dumped your ass " i said 

DADDY " Emily yelled  looking at my dad who is belly laughing 

" how about we call mommy huh," i said to James who finally smiled  i brought him into my office 

"hello said a guy I handed the phone to James  because if another guy is with Eve i will be pissed or go though the phone .

"Hello I'm James Underwood is my mommy Eve there ?" he asked  then smiled at me . 

" hi mommy I miss you yes he's right here want to talk to him no, ok  when are you coming home oh can I visit you there ?" he asked then i picked up the phone on the other end 

" yea baby if your father says its ok I'll ask mr Dragon if you can come to visit us at the house in Italy, I'm sure he will say yes to me " she said  sounding happy talking about Marshall . 

"Daddy will says yes "Jsmes said sounding happy.  but looking at me with a glare . 

"mommy coming back to itally with mr dragon and living in his house here  i get my mommy back " don't mess this up" James sais crossing his neck with his finger . 

" he will make a great mob boss one day i mean at three his is already handing death glares and threats . " my dad said scaring me i didn't know he was  in the  room 

" yea she coming back but with Marshal in the Dragon mansion " i said 

" Damn at least she going to see James  he needs her more than ever" he said looking at James 

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