big surprise

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Eve P.O.V 

" How did that feel ?"arshall asked 

"Amazing i breathed out looking into his eyes 

"   so you are just going to let your parents suffer why "Alica asked  i just  looked at her i saw the  fear in her eyes  good how dare she ask that 

"ohh ok Eve you really are a mob wife your eyes  have a death glare, "Zynn said  shielding Alixa from my  glare 

"if you must know  my parents used me as payment to the Underwoods so they don't deserve anything from me " i said 

" but won't underwood kill them if they dob't have you as payment ? Zaynn asked 

"yup i said popping the p so I great my point across  he just looked at me in shock 

" she would be the perfect Deagon !" Marshal said excited 

" how she willing to have her parents killed to get her pint across to Ayden ?"Alica said  getting in my face .  my hand was balling into a fist .  then hear the click of a gun 

" she didn't mean it Eveand Marshall don't kill my girl  "Zyann said getting between us . i saw Marshal holding out his gun 

 oh i really did get here in time to see drama i recognized that voice it was Xavier   i looked he was standing at the door leaning  smiling at me 

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 oh i really did get here in time to see drama i recognized that voice it was Xavier   i looked he was standing at the door leaning  smiling at me 

"  oh yea i had a surprise for you i called your brother and had one of my guys go get him "Zyan said i couldn't help smiling my brother is here  

"  x i missed you so much " i  yelled running to him letting go of my anger  to hug my big brother. 

" i missed you too E" Xavier said hugging me tightly 

" how is my sister ?"

" pure is ok  she  couldn't come not until the doctor says its ok at least," he said then winked at me i got it she pregnant 

" no stop really I'm going to be a aunt !" i yelled 

"yup  im so  excited but scared sis you know my relation ship with mom and dad "Xavier said 

" oh speaking of mom and dad you know they  used me as payment to the underwoods," i said i saw in his face he was pissed he looked ar Marshal they both nodded at each other 

"no  no no" i said knowing he wants Ayden dead 

" we are agreeing about  mom  and dad not  Underwood I know he has a son "Xavier said 

" oh that's a big  surprise " Zaynn said 

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