why didn't I push him away ?

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Eve P.O.V. 

"BABY BOY  wanna take a bath before bed " i asked James who smiled and ran to his room—and picked up toys. 

"this way mommy, "he said taking off his clothes.

"coming baby boy I said " going to his bathroom that was attached to his room he has his own bathroom its nice and simple but child-friendly.  and so clean.  he smiled and sat in the tub. 


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the phone went off i picked it up.  while putting the soap and bubbles in the water  then checking it was perfect he started to play 

"  is your girl there yet Micheal ?" i heard an older man say on the phone. 

"yes father and she is beautiful and James loves her like she is his mother "I heard Ayden say I looked at James playing I kissed him on the forehead. 

"eve ?" I heard Ayden say.  freaked out.  and turned to Ayden looking at me. he was on the cordless phone. 

"Father I will talk to you later I need to be with my family, "Ayden said.  smiling at James in the tub, he started taking off his shirt, and I couldn't help but stare at his tattoos. 

"so why did your dad call I asked he smirked and bent down to the tub

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"so why did your dad call I asked he smirked and bent down to the tub . to play with toys with James. 

" he wanted to make sure you are ok here with me and James.  you are his future daughter in law well his only daughter-in-law. "Ayden said. I was searching in my eyes. 

"so I will be his only daughter," I asked Ayden smiled 

 y no i have a sister  " he said splashing me 

"daddy no splash mommy," James said looking serious at Ayden.  put his arms up in defense. 

"What does he usually call about ?" I asked. 

"money and taking out the competition,"  he said smiling about killing it scary and sexy. 

"what about girls you knock up  and don't help out, " I said he just grunted at me 

"that's what you are upset about babe," he said trying to act cute but I can see his anger. 

" yes what did she think she will get you chocked her out o prove your feelings for me. 

"money and what we have but mostly money," he said

" I have money " James chimed in.  he is so cute 

"babe can we talk about it Ayden said holding me from behind.  made me think if I give this a chance will he love her child more than ours. 

"will you raise her baby? what about if I have your baby would you love her child  more than mine ?" I asked in one breath. 

"Baby our children will be my only children in my eyes, "he said wow he would leave an innocent baby what kind of man is he that pissed me off. 

"you are going to abandon an innocent baby the possibility that the child she is carrying is yours? "I asked he looked at me then looked at James watching our every move. 

"Maria can you please get James out of the bath. and in his room "Ayden said hitting a bottom near the light switch.  then Maria came in and picked up my baby boy who smiled at me.  I moved out of Ayden's arms.

"hold on, " I said going to him then kissing his forehead 

"Daddy and I will be there soon I promise, " I said then looked at Ayden. he smiled then they left the room  I'm still upset. nut i smiled at my baby. 

"We need to talk MrUnderwood" I said to Marie  then  turned  to Ayden who jumped  at my sudden change of emotion 

"about ?" he asked asking coy 

"don't try to play stupid  you are willing to abandon an innocent  baby because of the unreal possibility I will marry you and have your children," i said becue im don't even love him i just like the feeling of a family 

"What do you mean unreal possibility you will marry me we are getting married ! "he said getting upset.

"Who says I will say I do," I said but then I thought of James. 

"what about James you love him enough to be his mother right," he said   he knew he got me there 

" he is the only reason I would Marry you Ayden Micheal  Underwood," I said honestly .  in his face 

Ayden grabbed my face and kissed me why didn't I push him away?

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