let him down

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Ayden PO.V.

"Yeah dolls kill " Angla said 

"she a pro shooter and highly skilled with a knife," Frank said 

OH shit she was the perfect girl for you son "my dad laughed 

" thank you father it isn't that funny," i said hearing him laugh so hard he's coughing 

" you really think we would have her around the mafia and not know how to take care of herself" Frank said looking at me. 

"Remember what she did to Chris Stefano and his goons  ?"Angie said 

" oh  you mean last year  that was her with the triple headshot with one bullet ?" Derek asked 

" yea he pissed her off the day before so she saw him while passing in the car she took one shot and got them all in a moving car  but her knife skills are scarier," Angie said 

" you mean the way she stabs the person then lick the blade, "Frank said that reminded me of something.  that happen to me a year ago. 

" noni did mommy say she's coming "James yelled running into the room. and jumped on Angie's lap I felt horrible 

"im sorry baby i let you down," Angie  said James jumped down and then punched the pillow next to her .  i saew her shiver due to he kept looking at her in the eyes  then looked at me with a death glare  i really let him down 

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