phone call.

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Ayden P.O.V. 

  When I came inside the house James ran up to me with a smile then it faded as soon as he saw Eve wasn't with me . that broke me. 

"I'm a sorry baby boy I tried. I said kneeling down and hugging him he pushed me away. 

" I want mommy," he said then I saw a little tear fall down his eyes. 

"oh buddy I'm sorry  I said feeling myself tear up.

"sir I have the number to the BlackRose plane she might be on, "Derek said 

"call it then man" my father said behind me.  I forgot he was here. 

" sir I have the flight attendant," Derek said holding out the phone. James  ran to the phone 

"Mommy " he said I ran to my bedroom so I can hear what she says. 

" Hello ,  " she said in her baby voice to James he giggled 

"Mommy it's me James," he said 

"hi my big boy, "she said she sounds happy 

"mommy daddy is sad, "James said 

" really he will be ok he is tough"  I think she knows I'm listening in.

"mommy are you in America yet ?" James asked I was wondering that too. 

" not yel but I can't wait to see Mr Zyann and stay in his house I couldn't help it pissed me off she is staying with Zyann and I can't even hurt him due to our family's respect.  so I grunted . and slid to the floor. 

" you think he is listening to us, "she said then James laughed 

" daddy fell on the floor mommy he said he ran to my room door smiling with the phone still in  his hand . 

"mommy, are you coming back? he asked I looked at him and waited to hear what she will say 

" yes im coming back to Italy for a short while after I come from my trip but im only coming back for my favorite person in the world a baby boy named James," she said she really isn't coming back to be with me. 

 what about me babe " I said without thinking. James made an oh face like he was shocked 

"  put James back on Underwood she said sounding annoyed and hung up.   she really is over me but  Zyann better no-touch what is mine.  so I picked the phone back up and redialed the number. but I'm too upset when she picked up  I let out a breath and hung up doesn't she get that she is taking half of my heart with her.

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