on the plane

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Eve P.O.V.    

once me and river got to the airport.     we go off the bike and all these girls were staring at him .  he didn't care he just got my bags then put his hand on my waist.  just because he didn't care d means he likes girls drooling over him.   One of the girls looking at us looked familiar then it dawn on me it was the whore. she smiled at me. i just jerked at her she flinched.  River laughed and we kept walking.  to the gate I saw the plane I'm leaving on and I felt guilty about leaving James. but I need to be tough. .then River turned me around I didn't know if  I didn't feel them go down my face I was crying he wiped it off.

" you sure about this   bumblebee,? " he said hugging me tight. 

" yes that girl I jerked st is the girl he knocked up and lied to me about.  I just feel guilty about James " I said honestly   River smiled . 

" you always was the mother type .  he said then looked at the girl at the  door 

" black Rose " he said she look scared .  and pointed the way. river just turned to smile at me guliding me the way .  the plane is huge.  once we got inside my eyes went huge on how  beautiful it is inside I've never been in this one. 

 once inside I loved it 

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 once inside I loved it 

" I gave you my personal one," he said   have fun in  America, I know Zyann  is waiting for you 

" I gave you my personal one," he said   have fun in  America, I know Zyann  is waiting for you 

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" the bed room down stairs if you need it," he said 

" treat her well " he told the flight attendant who looked afraid of him 

" yes sir she said then he looked at the  cock pit  nodding at I think the piolit 

 I hugged him tight before he left me . 

" how did yu get Mr Black rose he doesn't date any one ?" the flight t attendant asked 

" I'm not with him he is my best friend 's brother.  i said honestly 

" why doesn't he date anyone though he's so good-looking," she asked. she looked hurt

" my name is alica " she said putting her hand out to shake . 

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