having her in my arms.

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Ayden P.O.V.

  I know it was wrong to forcefully kiss her but she sho hot mad and she was so close to my face.

"that the help Ayden she said then smacked me. 

"ouch sorry babe you were so cute upset I couldn't help myself . " I said honestly. 

Mommy daddy " we both heard James yell 

" you are lucky James saved you from my wrath," she said doing I'm watching you pointing to her eyes than me then I saw her smile once in James view . she such a good mother. 

" you said you would be her son for bedtime mommy, "James said full in his PJs. 

"I know baby but mommy is mad at daddy still," she said looking at me in anger. 

" and daddy tried to apologize to mommy," I said s smiling at Eve but she looked down I wonder why. 

"am I going to lose you, mommy ?"James said touching her chest I didn't even notice the scar until I  saw James's little hand on it.  it made me sad 

"not until you don't  need mommy anymore," she said  with her eyes brimming with tears, I got up and try to hug her she moved away and  held James looking in his eyes, 

"I will always need you, mommy, "James said. 

" I love you, little man," she said kissing his forehead. 

"I love you too mommy and so does daddy right daddy "James asked. looking at me with his eyes open wide . 

"yes buddy of course I do "  said.  trying to hold her again she let me and then James hugged her then i hreard her sob and felt her shaking. 

" Hey buddy how about mommy and me tuck you in bed, I said James lifted from his mother's chest and nodded . . then I took him out of eve arms. and put him in bed 

"I looked at Eve she faked a smile.  so I touched her face she leaned into my hand then touched her chest in an instant. It scared me.  but she just smiled then looked at James looking at us and waiting for us to tuck him in  

" good night buddy," I said kissing his forehead and putting him under his covers. 

"night mommy's boy "eve said kissing him temple over and over still with her hand on her chest. 

"we will be right in our room ok," I said he smiled and cozied up to his teed bear I sprayed with my body spray he sleeps with every night.  once we were out of the room I picked her up and held her to our room.

"Ayden I'm ok really it's just a  little pain I can walk ok no funny business either she said once i put her down on the bed.  I wasn't listening just watching her movements to make sure she is ok.  because I see like there or four scars on her chest. 

"how many ?" I asked she looked up. I think she knows what I'm asking because I'm looking at her chest.  she looked defeated. then t touched her chest then lifted her shirt to show her stomach. there were more scars.  and a tattoo of wings on her hip. 

"what are those for?" I asked she looked down then put her shirt down. and mumbled something it sounded like she said, Ace. 

"what ! she jumped at my outburst. 

"Sorry, can you just tell me  please ?" I said softly to calm her down because her hand went to her chest I have to remember her heart

Ace and I got acting tattoos on my sixteenth birthday " she said 

"oh ok I said because I have a tattoed oh James mother name on my arm. I said holding it out to show her.  

"awe that's cute  she said 

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"awe that's cute  she said 

"what happen to her ?" she asked 

" ok bedtime I said jumping in the bed next to her she laughed  at my silliness 

'Are you ever going to tell me ?" she asked  I'm going to avoid it until the day I die about Sara. 

"cant hear  trying to sleep, " I said fake snoring, 

" night Underwood she said getting under the covers to sleep. 

" night my love I said, getting under also. .  and pulled her closer to me I can't think of a better way to sleep than having her in my arms. 

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