quiet is violent

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Ayden P.O.V.  

  looking at Eve expression seeing Sara's pic I remember that Day to still shakes me to my core.

"oh Ayden she said coming close to me holding me. close to her 

"I'm sorry it hurts to talk about what happened. that day. 

"let's go look at the baby will that calm you down, "she said. and it is true looking at the child me and sara created calms me down.  so I nodded  and walked with her she never let go of my hand 

"you know me so well babe " i said she looked at me then at our hands together , It  took it fit so perfectly in mine. 

"I'm not going to pressure you to tell me if it hurts you ok," she said smiling at me her smile brightens up my day but then i had a flashback of the day me and Sara were planning out of James' room. 

~~~~ flashback. 

"Ayden this room is good enough and he will have his own little bathroom, "Sara said  running toward the room 

"yes Sara it would be great but don't run I don't want you to fall," I said 

"Sorry but I'm excited then she touched her stomach 

"Sara! I yelled and rushed to her side. I know I picked her up roughly i heard her whimper under my touch. i felt awful I keep forgetting my own strength. 

"it's ok he was kicking hard I think he is excited too. 

"really James i said rubbing her belly.  I could feel his little movements 

"agh Sara said then I saw the blood on the floor. i picked her up and "Derek get the car ready we need to go to the hospital .!" i yelled and saw him run past me 

"Ayden i don't want to lose the baby " Sara cried. 

" you aren't going to lose him," i said telling her in my calm voice which scares people. I don't know why .  but it doesn't scare her  but she does look scared about her bleeding. 

"aggh Ayden," she said i ran faster got her in the car. and sat her safely in the chair. 

"I called the hospital sir they will take her right away. Derek said .  

"thank you Der" i said he grinned at me. 

"Thanks, dad, "Sara said I looked confused then looked at Derek and then Sara. 

" Dad ?" I asked. 

"Ayden you don't remember how we meet my dad works for yours and you remember the family picnic," she said then I saw her eyes turn over and she fell back.  

"step on it man baby, baby please wake up. I said shaking her. 

"HERE! Derek yelled I picked Sara up and ran. 

" help please my girlfriend is pregnant and bleeding help her now ! " i yelled 

"right away Mr Underwood," a nurse said pulling out a gurney I could see the fear in her eyes looking at me.
"Ayden I will be ok i promise, " Sara said and that was the last words she said to me.   they removed James from her body before she died, they said that s her cervix was messed up and if they didn't remove the baby they both would of died.  I didn't listen to the whole thing I was focused on my boy in the incubator fighting for his life next to a lifeless Sara. 

"she chose this she knew the risk, " Derek said standing next to me he just lost his child and now he looking at his grandson.  wait did he know about her illness and not tell me. 

 don't worry baby boy daddy will find you a new mommy but she won't replace Sara but will love you as deeply as mommy did  I said holding his little hand. 

~ end of flashback

 I said then snapped out

 said then snapped out of the flashback with Eve looking into my eyes I need to hold her to make sure she really here I smelled her hair and felt her body.

 don't tell me you are ok when you are not " I said through my teeth she looked scared and stayed quiet and walked into James' room it was like he knew she was there while asleep because he popped right up she just looked at her smiling 

"Mommy," he said holding out his hands for her .  she didn't say anything but picked him up and held him then lay in the bed with him.  saying nothing which fears me. quiet is violent in my family. 

" what about daddy ?"i asked 

" nope mommy " he said hugging eve who still isn't s[taking  quiet is violent 

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