time to create madness

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Eve P.O.V. 

" oh what a big surprise, "Zaybb said 

" what im not heartless I wouldn't take a father from his young child and I can see in my sister's eyes she loves the child," Xavier said 

"I do James looks like us with doe blue eyes and the sweetest smile and he loves me like i gave birth to him . " i said thinking of my little man i didn't know i was crying until Marshall wiped my face . 

" woah are you two a....." Xavier said not finishing his sentence but smiled 

" i care deeply for her " Marshall said looking into my eyes 

" well who better than a Deagon for my sister i approve "Xavier said clapping 

" really ?" i asked happy he approves 

" yea hey Falcone  do you have a gun range around here?"Xavier asked I looked at him i know what he wants he winked at me  knowing i would love to do some shooting 

" yea in the basement, "Zyann said i got excited due to me and my brother loves to create madness . 

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