i just got her

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Ayden PO.V. 

"Mommy James said she smiled and then she touched her chest 

" are you ok ?" I asked 

"yes nothing to worry about ok, "she said in a cute voice tickling James who is laughing at her .  she so caring for my boy 

" Evelynn ?"I said she looked up  at me 

"Ayden " she said in a dry tone and dared me to say something else  in the face she made me 

" are yu sure you are ok your arm is shaking 

"I'm fine she said started to fall backward i caught her.  in my arms 

"Eve , Mommy , both me and James said at the same time she just got out my arms and smiled at James 

"I'm fine just got dizzy  ok,"  she said then she grabbed her chest again 

"Nope you are going to lay down now," I said  pointing down  to the hall way 

" where I don't live here and I don't want to be in a bed you slept in with those women," she said pointing at me.  I felt bad for a split second about my girls. then I remembered I got rid of them for her 

" my bad mommy," James said pulling her toward his room 

"ok baby only if you lay with mommy ok no daddy just me and my prince ok," she said looking at me and sticking her tongue out at me.  I couldn't help but smile at her silliness.  but I can get in that bed if I wanted to. she can't stop me at my house.  as if she can read my mind she turns around 

"I don't care if your house I'm laying with my prince only Ayden, not the monster in the house " she yelled back not even looking at me turning back around to James.

" you will love me Eve I swear I thought 

"no i won't" she yelled I think she has powers how did she know what I was thinking 

"go lay  down please, " I  yelled back she makes me so weak . 

" i can't loose her I just got her .

"sir you have a phone call "Derek said 

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