hurt realization

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Eve P.O.V.

" OK how about we go inside so you can see your room "Zynn said  letting us go and leading us to the  front of the mansion 

"  this house is beautiful, "Alica said 

"no you are beautiful, "Zyn said picking her up into his arms.  i faked a  cough 

"oh right this way  he said still holding Alica and walking 

"i can walk, "Alica said and got out of his arms you can see he wasn't happy about it. 

" i know but I like you in my arms, "Zayn said  whining 

"but we forgot the baby "Alica said  going back for Zach who joyfully jumped into her arms 

" it this was eve, "Zaynn said pointing to a form with a bumblebee door knob.  onced he open the door i was in awe   the video didn't give it justice it beautiful the perfect bed room 

"my office is right  across the  hall and Zach bedroom is next door Zyan said 

"where is your bed room ?"i asked 

" downstairs if  need anything other is an intercome system  and the staff here will help you, "he said 

girl come look at your closet Alica said from the right side of my room i didn't hear her come in. 

" go ahead i hope you will like it " Zayn said pointing to the door I ran inside it was my dream closet

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" go ahead i hope you will like it " Zayn said pointing to the door I ran inside it was my dream closet.   

" girl look at he's cholthes  i wish i had a closet like this one day "Alica said  looking around the closet 

  Eve you have a phone call "Zayn said  i didn't even turn to look at him 

"let me guess it Ayden ?" i said sarcastically  but by aynn expression its not  Ayden 

"hello " i said 

"Mrs whitmore i think you had enough time away from my son and grandson I advise you to work things out with my son or i can make you live a living nightmare," he said. I looked at Zayn he looked sorry for me . 

" well i guess being involved in the mob I will get threats of being betrothed to a mob boss in Italy " i said looking down thinking of what he could do to me 

"my new normal I guess " I whispered Zayn hugged me  i needed it 

" you aren't afaid of what he can do to you ?" i asked Zayn  he started laughing  me and Alicia looked at him confused 

" they can' ouch me " he aid laughing 

"why not ?' i asked 

" his father use to work for mine and becuse te agrement between our family and if one of us break it we both loose our  kindom to te draco  mob . which isa fate worth death nd the Draco can't touvh me either .  becuse of the 1st child act . i already did my part by marrying Elizabeth Draco Zach's mother may she rest in peace . " he said  the last part with a monotone like he didn't care but did at the same time looking at his son.  we are still looking at him confused . 

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