she d don't really need me

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Ayden P.O.V

* ring  derek answered the phone 

"yes he is right her sir it's about mrs Whitemore, "Derek said I completely lost it i ran to the phone 

"wwhat's wrong  with my wife ?" i said to whoever on the phone  then i heard Zayn chuckle 

"   i don't think she would like you calling her that if she was awake she got over worked up and passed out   but she sleeping now her bother said she should be fine now but i wanted to ask her parents if i should be watching for something.  hu .. what yea im just talking to Ayden  dude 

" listen she is ok and tell my parents they are marked," said an angry voice I think it was her bother 

" will do " i said then looked at Angie and frank  then hung up the phone 

"  Eve is ok she just got overwhelmed and passed out she sleeping now oh and your son said you are marked.  they both looked frightened 

"  Xay said we are marked ?"Angie asked 

" yes " I said she looked at frank 

" um well we better get out of here ' Frank said running  out with Angie close behind 

"wow they are afraid of their son "Dad said 

"he sounded like he was out for blood when he told me to tell them," i said his voice was chilling. 

"Nooooooooo!" i heard Angir yell outside i ran 

"Dserek watch James and the girls Dad let's go once we were outside Frank was on the ground bleeding out  from a head shot and a guy was holding a knife to Angies neck 

"no go back," Angie said  crying out 

" Who are you? i asked the guy he just smiled and raised the knife higher on Angie neck 

" im here for Eve's honor that these  cowards sold to you, "he said then was about to slide Angie's neck . 

" We did it for her, "Angie said 

" mr whitmore wants you dead and im not going to disappoint him again, " the guy said  pushing Angie into my dad's arms 

" thank you, Jake, " Angie said  shocking me she knows whos trying to kill her and who killed her husband 

"  one is good enough for now but just watch your back it's not just me he has A  Dragon on you too "Nate said 

" noted "Angie said 

" your son is a mob boss huh ?"dad asked 

"no just respected due to him being Enzo right-hand man 

"Enzo as in Lucas's father Enzo ?" i asked 

" yup, that's why  Eve has no fear she been around the right-hand man of the most ruthless mob boss . "My dad said  making me gulp she will be ok without me 

* ring * 

"helo my father said "no it mrUnderwood of course he is right here 

" hello "Ayden do not hang up i need you to do something or I'm not coming back Rriver Black rose is on Enzo's hit list i need you to Warn him for me " Eve sad  she sounded worried for River he's the one who let her leave me why should i warn him ." from one killer to the next huh cain " she said which shocked me she knows my  mob name which means it was her who cut my chest so i touched my chest my dad looked at me with a grin as he knows .  my love will be fine ok without me she can kill and defend her self she doesn't really need me 

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