just perfect.

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Ayden P.O.V.

 the way she handled herself was such a turn on I was ao afraid when she said she will be back i had to keep my eyes on her.  but by the way, she knocked the  whore out was amazing. she will be the perfect mob wife.  the way she looked at me I couldn't help but smile at her beauty. 

"Lets get some ice on you hand Eve, "Derek said running toward the kitchen. 

"thank you dark she said touching her other hand   i walked up behind her 

"would you have raised the baby with  her if i wasn't here?" she said not even looking at me but the ground i grabbed her waist 

"no Eve like i told you our children will be my only children in my eyes and heart . because you are the only woman for me " i said honestly. then i heard him. 

"BOY why is one of my girls on your floor knocked out ?" my father booming voice said 

"pop, pop, "James said. running to his grandfather 

"hey mi oominietto" my father said picking James up 

" she claimed I father the baby she is carrying, "I said because I can't lie to my father 

"oh you too she told me the same thing yesterday  to me and your uncle Joesph, "my dad said looking at the ground where the whore was on the floor . . then smiled looking at Eve in my arms.

"ah this must be my future daughter,"  he said letting James down then took eve's other hand and kissed it she held her bruised hand on her side. 

"hello Mr. Underwood "Eve said 

"please call me Micheal," he said  he only lets girls call him by his first name when he is flirting 

" father she is mine," I said holding on to Eve tighter she looked both of us confused. 

"i know son i was just being polite . "my father said looking at me with his I dare you to face.  then he smiles. which feared me my father is a very powerful man. 

"pop pop mom knocked out that mean lady with one swing. "James said.  dad smiled wide at Eve who looked uneasy at his look. 

"father you are making her uneasy, " I said holding Eve tighter. her gip only getting tighter while father was looking at her 

" so you are a  tough girl huh ?"My father asked. eve looked at me and let  my arm  go  but still held my hand 

"yes I have to be tough I'm going to be a mob wife right Ayden ? " she asked smiling at me I felt my legs get weak but I stood strict in front of my father's gaze. 

"Not until I say so, "My father said. Eve looked hurt then she picked James up and started to walk back into the hallway. 

"just perfect father I was just getting her to rust me "I said to him 

"you sure she will once she knows that baby is yours I lied the girl told me so I did a DNA test on the fetus it came up positive for our bloodline and I gave her to you and I never touched her but I know you did .  my father said looking behind me  I know Eve is there.  I felt her eyes on me 

"Dammmit," I said. looking where Eve just was.  she looked pissed I saw her knuckles turning white because they are so clenched. 

"just perfect," I said punching the wall  she didn't been seem phased ,  by my anger . 

 she just ran to my room and and i heard the closet open where her bag are . 

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