I have all the power?

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Eve P.O.V.  one the plane waiting to land in pairs I've been just sitting in the bed thinking of James and also Ayden . 

"Alica can i have the phone ?" I asked. 

" sure boss lady " she joked and handed me the phone.  it started to ring 

"hello " i said 

"now that you are gone I can have Ayden and we can be a family with our children. you think you won the battle i won the war I'm outside his house  " the girl said  that pissed me off 

"listen here Ayden is my husband you miserable bitch  we don't even know if that is Ayden's child you are carrying I heard you were a slut sleeping around the family to family hungry for power well guess what I have all the power leave my family alone or I will come back and put a   hole between your skull . got it, "I said to her I could hear he gulp.  she was about to say something and I hung up.  it made me smile

" wow see that's why I call you boss  lady, " Alica said 

"yea I'm about to call Ayden " I said failing him.

"hello " Derek said 

"hi derek it me Evelynn " i said 

"oh Evelynn how wonderful to hear your voice Mrs Whitmore"..

"mommy!!! " i hear my little man yell 

"hey baby "i said i felt a tear fal from my eyes . hearing y son's voice but I have to think of why i called 

"go get daddy i ned to talk to him. 

"ok mommy " i hear his little  feet run 

" hello " I heard Ayden's velvet voice  but he sounded a little annoyed 

"Ayden i called because heather got a hold of Ace and called the plane and told me she was going to get her family i stole " i knew the ace thing was a lie but how else would she get the phone number to the plane besides Ace because  River knows better.  because he saw me punch her . at the airport 

"don't worry babe, I'm going to fix it "he said in his sweet voice like before choking that bitch out.   in front of me. at the house. 

" thank you Ayden," i said. quickly so I let him do what he has t do there is no stopping him once he's upset I learned that before.  Alica looked at me scared and confused. 

"What?" o asked wondering why she is looking at me like that 

"  you are scary and have so much power you don't even know 

 i have all; the  power.  i guess I do but I never asked for it . 

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