from one killer to the next

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Eve P.O.V

" yea we belong  way below " I said throwing a knife at Xay he caught it and laughed  at what I  said 

" i have to check on my wife and see if  Enz o needs me "xay said Marshal coughed at his   Grandfather's  name 

"Enzo Dragon ?"Zyan asked 

"yup "x ay said throwing  a blade at me thinking he would catch me off guard i caught it 

"How accurate are you with a knife ? Marshall asked   i smiled   and look around i saw a fly near Xay 

"See that fly behind Xay " i asked 

 yea "Marshall said in excitement i saw the knife i curved it so it wouldn't hit my brother who didn't even flinch at a  blade coming near him  Marshal ran and started clapping. 

" you are an American horror story in the making "Zyan said looking at the dead fly pinned to his wall by my blade.

"My uncle is going to love you, "Marshall said 

"What about your father ?" i asked 

" no one talks to Kole " Xay said in a cold voice 

"  if you don't mind me asking why not ?" I said looking at Marshall  he looked down in sadness i ran to him and ciffed his face in my palm he kissed my palm and smiled 

" he killed my mother in rage in front of my family. "Marshall said I moved away I've heard of the dragon temper they go into a blind rage. Marshal grabbed my waist 

" don't worry i know how to control my anger " he said kissing my forehead i was at peace being in his arms .

"I have to go !" Xay yelled  coming back in the room 

" what happened?" i asked 

"Enzo needs me to cover over  a blackrose "Xay said knowing how close i am to the black rose family 

"who ?" i asked 

"Riv," he said 

" excuse me why river he the whole reason i got to be her eand he's been out of the game trying to find his mate " i said they al looked at me when i told the mate 

"What?"i asked I have a plan to  keep the river alive 

"Nothing You had your evil grin on when you said mate, "Xay said 

" you  have a plan in mind, "Xay asked 

" yea someone hand me the phone," i said   Zyann gave me the cordless phone i dialed Ayden's number 

"Hello Ayden don't hang up  oh hi mr underwood you and your son sound the same can i talk to him please ?" i asked  i looked at Marshal he looked mad i called Ayden I blew a kiss at him to show him I just doing this for business 

"Ayden I  need you to do something for me it do it or I'm never coming back thing i need you to warn River he is on Enzo's hit list I don't know why. just warn him, please. if not  just get ready to meet the  widow from one killer to the next ea  Cain" I heard him gasp from me knowing his Mob name 

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