metting nightmare

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" why do i have to go to dad's boss house with you guys ?" I asked 

"because we need to support your father," my mother said fixing my hair 

"fine but I won't have any fun," I said to her I saw the way she looked at me I knew I was in trouble.

"Evelynn. I'm sure you will have fun  " my father said 

"huh huh sure with a bunch of gangsters and their busy wives "? I mumbled 

 Evelynn"Christina Whitmore you  mind your  manners," my mom said angrily 

"sorry mother," I said rolling my eyes 

" keep. Acting  like this you won't find a husband," she said 

"like I want one," I said  i looking at her dead in the eyes 

"how about you take a nap while we drive there it a long drive " my dad said trying to  to calm down the tension.

"ok dad," I said laying my head down. I fell asleep to them arguing about me like always mom worried about me finding someone and dad doesn't think anyone is good enough for me I mean I'm sixteen and they treat me like a child. 

"babycakes we are here" my dad said rubbing my back to wake up.

"oh  ok daddy " I said to be cute and he knows it he just smiled and kiss my forehead I love being the only child.

 I got out the car and looked around I saw a huge mansion with a gorgeous water fountain in front but that didn't catch my eye what did was  this  handsome guy looking at me up and down he looked my dream guy with tattoos all up his arms and gold eyes. I could get lost in he looked like my age I fixed my clothes and walked up to him.

"Hi  I'm Eve Whitmore," I said holding out my hand for him to take 

"Ayden Underwood," he said laughing 

" that's the last name of my father boss," I said 

"really," he said licking his lips 

"yea do you know him ?" I asked. He smirked

" you can say I do," he said laughing 

"Mr. Unerwood hi see you met my daughter Evelynn," my dad said. To Ayden

"Wait you are my father boss but you are like my age," I said looking him over

"oh what age do you think i am ?" he asked looking at me 

"sixteen? " i asked 

" yeah I was 6 years ago baby girl " he said kissing my check.

"but you look so young "I said in a mumble hoping her didn't hear me but e look on his face says he did hear me .

"eve come here and help us cook for the men "my mom yelled to get my attention. when I started to move away he gripped my hand. 

"it ok Angie I think Eve should stay with me " Ayden yelled back at my mom.

""sir," my father said looking at him an then me. 

"yes franklin," he said not breaking eye contact with me.

"she is only sixteen," my father said 

"i know her age!'" he said looking at my father with anger for breaking eye contact with me. 

"Ayden " I said calming him down I put his hand into mine

"yes Eve " he said smiling at me he really is a dream.  a nightmare rolled into one but i like it 

" you need to calm down please, " i said. 

"anything  for you Eve " he said looking into my eyes again 

" Eve " i think you should call Ace," my mom said 

"who is Ace ?" he said looking at me  he looked pissed 

"my. my boy... " I said his gaze made me afraid to tell him he is my friend that us a boy I hook up with once or twice that not so serious so I shouldn't be worried but his eye scares me. so i just looked down I couldn't say anything. while he is looking at me. 

" your boyfriend perhaps?" he said laughing

I nodded my head no 

"oh so who is he then if you have to call him," he said 

"my friend that I have dated before," I said without thinking 

"oh really," he said looking at one of his goons I guess. 

" yeah but its nothing serious he is my best friend," I said fearing what he would do to Ace 

"Why so worried love if it isn't something serious right ?" he asked waiting for my answer 

"because he is my friend Ayden and I want nothing to happen to him. I said trying not to cry thinking of what he might do to him 

"shhh baby girl I won't touch him I swear," he said putting his hand to my face I swear he has guts touching me like this in front of my parents. 

speaking of parents they were just standing behind him watching my response to his touch and saying nothing  

"  you promise ?" I asked him 

"you have my word," he said smiling I had no choice but to trust him 

"will you excuse me a moment I said walking toward the car again I felt his eyes on me and I saw one of his men following my every move. 

 when I got to the car I got in the back and remembered da had a phone in the Benz. so I called Ace 

~ring ~

"hello bumblebee " Ace said saying the nickname he gave me I sigh in relief.

"what's wrong  why are you breathing  so hard ?" he asked 

"I meet someone and he is my dad boss and he kind of likes me I think and he is scary and I'm afraid he might do something to you   i said in one breathe 

"Woah whoah calm down a bee," he said

"but twenty-one " I said saying his nickname I gave him 

~ta.~tap ~. I looked up to see Ayden looking at me from the window 

"i will call you later when I get home, " I say into the phone 

"ok bee  talk to you later, "Ace says then I hang up and open the door for Ayden

" Why did you run away from me ?"Ayden asked.

"i didn't I needed to  be calm my nerves," I said 

"so who were you talking to ?" he asked crossing his arms and leaning back.

"ace " I whispered 

"oh, how is he? "Ayden asked 

"he's ok I guess," I said 

"good  good," he said looking  at the phone but in s split second he had the phone up to his ear

"listen her buddy Eve is MINE, "Ayden said looking at me it scared me.

"When did I say I was yours ?" I said I don't like anyone controlling me.  Ayden looked at me with anger. I just looked at him crossing my arms. he may be a mob boss but I'm a motherfucking queen.  i got up and left his ass in the car .  wacthing me walk away

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