you aren't my first love but you will always be my favorite

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Eve P.O.V

" you girl ok? Zyan  asked us 

" yea just  girl talk Alica said looking at me to agree  with her 

" yea just girl talk " i said  Marshall grabbed me by the waist and held me 

" i hate you out of my arms " he whispered in my ear I moaned at his breath on my ear 

" me too " i whispered 

"Marsh, what did we talk about? " Zayn said I looked at Marshall confused 

"All I saw were your lips moving and thinking on my dear here, " Marshall said spinning me around I couldn't help but smile at him. 

"Evelynn "Alica said I stopped smiling  and Marshal frowned, 

"sorry  Marshall  Alica was saying a few good points about Ayden almost killing his brother  over a girl and i know because you are a Dragon  you  can't be touched, but i don't want to be the cause of bloodshed Zayn and Marshall started to crack  up hard Zaynn fell over  bely laughing 

"what's so funny ?"Alica asked crossing her arms at Zaynn 

" baby Marshall  deadliest Dagron of the family everyone in the business is afraid of him  even his uncle is sort of afraid of upsetting him, "Zaynn said laughing 

"  so she should still be careful, "Alica said 

" why if they fear   me ?"Marshall said  coming close to me 

" do you fear me mon cher ?" he said I smiled and kissed him and shook my head no, he had a huge grin on his face at my answer 

" you may not be  my first love but you are my favorite" Marshall said holding me close I smiled at him I loved being in his arms he makes me feel something different than Ayden ever did 

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