my perfect match

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Ayden P.O.V. 

 Wacthing her cook was sexy it shouldnt be but every movement she does makes my heart skip a beat , ugh why does she make me like this I'm suuose to be tough cold and heartless.  but she makes me want to be better . 

"sire " I heard Derek say at the door .  he looked worried 

"yes my trusted friend and f.u.. colleague" I said still having James next to i almost forgot but Derek was distracting me from watching Eve . 

"it's heather sir the girl you choked out i did as you said and had her taken care of you didn't mess anything up, sire ... 

" then why so worried . he looked at me in our fear. 

"espit it out man!" i said 

"shes pregnant sir," he said 

"well it isn't mine she was whore " I said lying to myself and he knows it . 

"how far" i askws 

"2 months sir" he said looking at the kitchen where Eve is  making rolls 

"we will not say anything to her  she will never know "I said making him look me in the eyes . 

"yes, sir" he said then looked at the front door. then a big bang came on the door . i put two and two together i guess Heather is here. 

"No," I said rushing to the door  not without giving Derek some death glares how could he let that botch come back 

"Eve I have something to take care of but I will be back," i said rushing to her and kissing her forehead that has some flour on it. 

"ok i have the baby," she said grabbing James who smiled being in her arms.  I love my little family. 

"ok baby il be back, "i said 

"Promise," she said I smiled and crossed my heart 

" yes babe, "i said 

 going toward the idiot banging on my door. i am pisssed with Derek.  once i open the door the bitch was there.  she cowardly from my look then stood up straight after a while .

"Finally you got rid of that girl and want to be a family with me and our baby," she said rubbing het stomach . i touched it and then grabbed her neck squeezing it from behind 

"disrespect my wife again I will end you and that spawn you are carrying isn't mine," I said.

"she having your baby " i heard from behind me it was Eve holding James in her arms shit she looks hurt other goes my little family. 

" aw you didn't think he would be wuth you did you  aw it looks like you playing little housewife. " geather said to Eve  i was about to hurt her for disrespecting my love but Eve put her hand to me.  stoping me . 

 it  brrn fun while it lasted I thought while she walked up and smacked Heather. 

"  don't you ever disrespect me again i may be young, beautiful, and a queen you think Ayden is scat but i can be worst," she said  but i felt the venom coming from her tone.   she is  my perfect Macth 

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