I know what im doing

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Eve P.O.V . 

" you may not have been my first love  but you are my favorite "Marshall said in my ear while holding me i looked up at Alica she still looked mad  Zayan is still covering from laughing so hard " oh calm down love " Zaynn said to Alica who still had her arms crossed staring Marshall and me down 

" i just want you to be safe is that so bad ?" she asked Zynn who just smirked 

"aw you are about me," he said in a baby voice 

" man how did we get so lucky to have these girls care about us "Marshall said kissing my neck 

" w every lucky in deed and bound they are both beautiful " Zayn said winking at me and holding Alica in his arms . Marshal held me closer 

" breath aking beautiful "Marshal said spinning me around to look at him.  god he is so sexy . and why does he always have his abs out to display? i looked over his body and i bit my lip 

" eve hello  mon cher " i heard him say but i was looking at his chest 

"Eveylnn Whitmore !"Alica said that snapped me out of my daze  if he doesn't cover up I won't be able to resist him 

"Marshall can you do me a favor " i said regretting 

" anything mon cher " he said 

" can you put on a shirt or close your shirt " i said with a sigh 

 " of course i will " he said bottom the first bottom i , got sad. 

" why so glum my love? " he asked bottoming up his shirt all the way up . 

" yea im ok  " i said and im repeating it in my head 

" you sure?" he asked  kissing my forehead i put my hand on his chest i can feel  his abs through the shirt i miss seeing them 

" hey Eve did you ever call river to tell him you  got here safe ?" Zaynn asked 

" dammit i forgot i said 

" who is river ?" Marshall asked  looking a little upset 

" and he's a  Blackrose "Zaynn said 

 " my friend and the  reason I got here " I said picking up the phone in the room and dailing. 

"BLackrose house " i geared Ace answer 

" Where is River ?" i asked 

"Eve  um hi how are you with underwood I heard," he said i know he has that smug look on his face 

"I left him im back in the states with Zaynn at his house, "i said 

" oh is Marshall Dragon still there ?" he asked  sounding upset 

" yes  he is and im dating him," i said 

" oh really  you really want a war between all the mob families over you you aren't that special " he said laughing 

" i know what I'm doing i said then hung up on him 

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