bring her back home.

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Ayden P.O.V. 

" wow she is a feisty little thing "my father said 

"She might no come back and i can't even hurt the guy who going to have what is mine in his home or in his arms just becomes you respect them " i said mad as hell and i punched the wall. 

" if it wasn't for  Mark Falcone you wouldn't even be here," he said sounding defeated which made me look at him confused. 

" he saved my life and the next day i met your mother," he said 

" mom was a nice woman you guys where meant to be you would of found her any other type of was 

" you don't get it Mark saved e by giving me some of his blood and set up me and your mother," he said grabbing onto his necklace with mom's ring on it.  

" dad you never told me that i said . i know how hard it is for my father to talk about my mother. 

" yeah well... she was my everything she made me a better man. she taught me how to love and how to not shield myself so tight and not to become cold like my father," he said looking up I guess talking to my mom in heaven. 

" yea but she had on hell of a death glare," I said he started laughing 

" yea I saw the same glare in that girl that's why I smiled with her "she reminded me of my Oliva he said smiling at her me and it just dawned on me. she did have my mom's death glare.  I need Eve home with me . 

"  i need to go get my girl back," I said Dad grinned 

" that's my boy but ....  isn't the meeting this year in America anyway ?" he said i ran to the office with him behind me.  i looked and was a week from now all the mafia families come together to talk business as a day of peace and Falcone has to go which means Eve has to come too.  I hope I will see my love again. and bring her back home. 

" Derek make sure that Falcone is going to the meeting " I yelled out  my dad coughed and pointed at the calendar I felt like an idiot it says hosted by the Falcone family 

"Derek never minds my mind is hyper-focused on eve not what I'm looking at, " I said being honest. 

"I need to bring her home before I lose all focus," i said then I heard frantic knocking on the door 

* knock knock * I wonder who is at my door . ? " i said then open the door to ssse the tramp that ruined my life 

" what do you want I have half a mind not to kill you where you stand," i said grabbing her by the neck .  so i did. 

" I'm carrying your..... child.... you won't kill me " she gasped out it made me smile. 

"Ayden stop killing her won't bring Eve back " my father said 

" Daddy!"James yelled that snapped me out of it I let go of her she has caught her breath 

" first that girl punches me in the face in the airport and you try to choke me out  while I'm pregnant are you nuts ?" she said 

" that girl is my wife " i said 

" then why was she leaving ?"  she said i could her the venom in her words. 

 i lunged at her she flinched back i smiled at her fear. 

"son she is with child quit playing or she might lose it and if it is yours you will feel awful," my father said 

" the only children i have ae James and whomever I and Eveyln make.  that baby she is carrying is a not my blood. 

"he is your child "she said raising her voice to me . 

" are you Evelynn or Sara  ?" I said grabbing her sides and making her look in my eyes I saw the fear . 

"no I'm not  I'm heather," she said 

" then that's not my child," I said 

" what if it is ?" my father said  putting James inside  once inside i can say what i want 

" then i will have it dealt with like I should have, "I said pulling out my gun to her stomach she shielded her stomach with her hands. 

"Aden no " My father said pulling me away. 

"father she ruined everything I might lose the woman I love. "I said 

" you will get her back home "my father reminded me so I put the gun down that I was still pointing at her. 

" you are right i need to get my love back she's my other half-father," I said my voice breaking thinking of losing Eve. 

" you could have a family with me and our children she isn't here anymore," Heather said my father had to use all his strength to hold me back before i kill her. 

" i wl never i want you and she is coming back I'm bringing her home," I said getting out of my father grip and looking Heather in the eyes so she gets it through her head Eve is coming back and we will be a family again. 

" daddy mommy' on the phone " James said yelling toward the door .  . i ran inside 

" hello Eve " I said 

" Ayden I called because heather got a hold of Ace and called  the plane and told me she was going to get her family I stole, " she said in a rush tone shes mad .  i need her back before i loose it . 

"I will take care of it baby," I said in a sweet voice so she doesn't know my true feelings I want heather to die how dare she threaten my love. 

" Derek has Frank tail Heather and finishes her," i said he looked at me sadden 

"yes sir," he said 

"but the child ?" my father said 

"I would never kill an unborn child father im not heartless but she called Eve and told her she getting her family back that Eve stole like I was with her like that she might have cost me, my love," I said I saw heather face go though smile than a frown. 

"son you will get her back home after the meeting I know you will, " my father said patting my back. 

"I will get her back home. " i need my wife to calm down before i kill this tramp " i yelled .  

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