what is she doing to me?

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Adyen P.O.V.

Did I?" she said with a smirk. 

"mommy, why do you like Mr. Derek ?"James asked then she looked at him then looked at me and smiled. 

"Becuse he has been kind to mommy and perfect gentlemen around me," she said looking up in a daze then smiling at James who just smiled back at her.  I love their bond but I would be lying to say I'm not angry. 

" I think im done, " I said 

" but you only eat one plate daddy, "James said

" I know buddy what plate are you on ?" I asked 

" this many he said hold up three fingers. 

"who mommy's big boy eats a lot, " Eve said getting up and putting her arms out for James.  who gladly accepted.  so she was going to just leave me here at the table after confessing her emotions toward my bodyguard.  im so pissed but also hurt. what is she doing to me?

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