Dolls kill

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Ayden P.O.V . 

" My Daughter doesn't care if i live or die " Frank said  

"  both our children hate us, Franklin, "Angie said  which made me curious 

" wait you have more than one Daughter ?" Derek asked 

" we have a son in the states, "frank said 

" he decided he would stay with that harlot than come here with his family, "Angie said 

"Angela she not a harlot  she a nice girl and his wife," Frank said 

" WHAT!"Angie yelled i guess she didn't know he married the girl 

" yea he called Eve the day on his wedding day they talked al day remember she didn't come to of her room for an entire day.  she was sad she missed her older brother's wedding "Frank said 

" and you knew this whole time my baby boy got married without his mother around  and said nothing "Angie said 

" flower asked me not to so i didn't " Frank said flat out 

" does he know Eve is in that states? i asked 

"I don't know and if eve tells him we are dead either way by you or him Agie said 

" or her  Eve  she will  get  her revenge one way or another, "Frank said   made me snap my neck looking at Agie . 

"  yea dolls kill " Angie said to me 

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