Shippuden Act 28

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Uchiha Itachi was known as a traitor, a shinobi who lost his mind under the pressure of his clan and the elders. One day, he just snapped and slaughtered his entire clan, leaving only his little brother behind. No one knew why he spared one life, a life that belonged to not even the youngest Uchiha nor the promising one at the time.

And that very Uchiha Itachi now sat inside the Uzumaki Apartment, drinking tea and reading a book to pass the time. Across from him on the couch sat the Uzumaki Twins and on a wooden chair by the side was the very life he spared years ago.

"Nee-san, pass me the water."

"Go get it yourself "

"Dobe, get me that plate of mochi."

"You get it yourself, teme."

One would wonder how two ninjas, who 'betrayed' the village, acted so at home right in that moment. Dark obsidian eyes flickered to the plate of mochi sitting on the table and they flickered back to the trio across him who were too engrossed in their spat. Reaching for said plate of dessert, Itachi popped one bite-sized mochi into his mouth as he watched their childish spat turn into an argument.

I estimate about... a minute before I have to leave. Was the thought that crossed the prodigious Uchiha's mind, silently praising the taste of the sweet inside his mouth. "You take that back, teme!" Make that ten seconds. Seeing that things would escalate in a matter of moments, Itachi stole the last two sticks of dangos without Shira noticing.

As soon as Naruto and Sasuke got on each other's throat, with the redhead smack dab right in the middle, Itachi escaped with a plate full of mochi and a pair of sticks of dangos in his hands.

The Uchiha didn't forget to use a genjutsu to alter his appearance. He didn't want to frighten any villagers, after all.


"Are... you sure it's okay for me to be here? What if—?"

A bundle of paper smacked Jugo in the face, cutting off whatever he was about to say. "I'll know if you get out of control. The seal I placed on you would make sure of that so don't worry too much, Jugo." Shira patted the giant on the back who still looked dubious about what she had done for him.

"Shira-kun, class is about to start." Umino Iruka called out from the Academy entrance, waving over for the duo.

Jugo gave his leader another pleading look but she gave him an unamused expression instead. "What a drag. Just go." With one final push, Jugo sighed in defeat as he held the bundle of papers tightly in his hand. Shira shot him an encouraging smile before she hiraishined away, probably to get Karin next.

The ginger head approached Iruka with a timid countenance but the Academy teacher simply gave him a warm smile. "I'm sure the kids would be ecstatic to know that someone who worked with Shira-kun would demonstrate for them, Jugo-san."

Maybe it won't be that bad..? There was no backing out now. If he did leave without informing Shira, she would definitely drag his ass back to the Academy.

"... okay, Umino-san."



Karin adjusted her lenses, the light reflecting off it in an almost comical manner that Sakura had hold back her laughter. "All I have to do is revive this fish, right?" The bespectacled redhead asked the pinkette for the third time, just to make sure she got it right.

"Yes, after that, you have to make sure that you do it with a hundred percent certainty. There's no room for errors."

Sakura, whose curiosity got the better of herself, asked Karin for how long she had been a medic. When the redhead answered with since she was a child, the pinkette couldn't help but praise her. However, when Karin continued talking, horror began to conform on Sakura's face.

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