Act 7: "I'll go insane at this rate."

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"Sasuke-kun, please talk to Shira-kun for me!"

For the umpteenth time, Sasuke's eyebrow twitched.

How many hours had it been since their client clung onto him while the redhead shot murderous looks their way? Oh yeah... for hours on end. It was currently night time and this girl had been bothering him ever since Shira scared the pompous girl away from her. Sasuke didn't blame her for that, he wanted to peel the girl off of him as well. However, she was the client they were supposed to protect.

Protect my ass, she's worse than Sakura and dobe combined... Sasuke thought in irritation while Laila whined once more. The girl wanted him to talk to Shira to apologize for her.

Haku was busy helping Shira as she prepared their camp and Naruto and Sakura were gathering fire woods while he was forced to babysit the whiny girl. He would have exchanged chores with Naruto if it wasn't for his pride.

Besides, he was supposed to help Shira instead of Haku. Another groan of displeasure left his lips as the older girl kept pressing her chest against his arm, hoping to get him what she wanted already. Sasuke, barely restraining himself, faced the girl and said, "Will you please shut up and be quiet?" He wasn't supposed to snap at a client but heavens, the girl needed to shut up for the sake of his sanity.

Upon hearing the venom in his voice, Laila pulled away, much to Sasuke's relief and had put a great distance between them. She puffed out her cheeks and glared at Haku. What is she doing with my Shira-kun?! Obviously, Laila had also mistaken Haku for a girl. It wasn't that surprising, actually.

Anyone would mistake Shira a boy and Haku a girl at first glance. It displeased both of them much earlier on in their life but they were able to live with it now. "Shira-kun! Come over here!!" She cried out for the redhead.

Sasuke looked up from the ground, only to see Shira shot an icy smile towards Laila's direction. The latter stiffened when she saw this. "Yes?" The redhead's voice made Laila sputter out nonsense to which she ignored almost instantly. Shira had yet to forgive the girl for insulting her twin.

Since Laila was the client, she wasn't able to do anything against the pompous girl, much to her utter dismay.

Soon, Naruto and Sakura arrived, killing the tense atmosphere with Naruto's boisterous voice and yet, it put everyone at ease, even if Laila didn't want to admit it.

Once the camp was the done and all had eaten, everyone sat around the campfire, except for the client who went to sleep as soon as she got the chance. "Alright, we'll reach her mansion by noon tomorrow and so far, we haven't encountered anything unusual, except for three little bugs,"

Haku whispered to his team, eyes secretly darting towards the general direction of those three bugs he mentioned.

Sakura and Naruto kept quiet, the two being told not to speak straightforwardly as much as they used to. "So, what're we going to do 'bout them? I'm not dealing with any bugs, it's troublesome." The redhead Uzumaki grumbled in annoyance. She only wanted to take a rest and finish this job as soon as they can.

Dealing with the prideful girl aggravated her. Haku chuckled under his breath, Sakura and Naruto laughed while Sasuke smirked. "Yes, it is, Shira-chan but bugs are pretty annoying, do you not think so?" Shira huffed and pouted. The team captain shook his head with a tiny smile on his face.

Naruto slung his arm around his sister's shoulders, a grin plastered on his face. "Don't worry, 'ttebayo! I'll deal with the bugs for you, nee-san!" Sakura quickly clamped Naruto's mouth, a glare on her face. "What're you doing shouting in the middle of the night?! As annoying as she is, someone's still sleeping, you moron!" Sakura shouted.

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