Act 4: "Sorry, nee-san!"

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"What's the distance to the target?"

        "Five meters. Nee-san and I are ready anytime."

        "So am I."
        "Me too."


The four of them jumped out of the bushes at the exact same time with Naru-naru managing to catch Tora, the cat they were supposed to retrieve for Madam Shijimi. Shira only sweat dropped as she dusts herself off from the dirt. Again, why did I go along with their plan..? she thought with her shoulders slumped. 

I mean I could have just fom-foru- formulate a plan... troublesome tongue of mine... "Ribbon on the left ear... are you sure it's Tora?" Kakashi asked from the wireless communicators.

While Shira picked up the wild cat, Sasuke approached the girl to look over the orange fuzzball. "Affirmative." The duck butt Sasuke said through the communicators. On the other line, Kakashi nodded in satisfaction and let out a sigh as he say, "Good. Lost Pet 'Tora' Search Mission... complete!" Shira groaned while Tora kept squirming in her arms.

"I'm tired, you're tired so give it up already, 'ttebane."

Sakura raised an eyebrow. Is Shira-kun really talking to a cat..? while a blush threatened to spread throughout her cheeks. Sasuke could only give the redhead a deadpanned expression and Naruto laughed at his sister, who glared at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Shut it, Naru-naru or do you want Tora to scratch you up again?" The blond let out a shriek while Shira chased after him, Tora held out towards Naruto's direction.

Kakashi sweat dropped at his students. Mah, my cute little Genins are so adorable.

"Oh! My cute little Tora-chan! I was so worried!!" Shira hid her uncomfortable expression behind her forearm as she looks away. She already pities the cat's condition.  

"Gyahaha! In your face, stupid cat!" Shira jabbed Naruto on his stomach making him bend over in pain, also making her smirk playfully. The blond gave her a playful glare while gathering his composure. No wonder it ran away... Sakura thought in sympathy. If she were that cat, she'd ran away as far as she can.

Their attention averted to the Hokage who was suggesting their next mission. "Now, Kakashi's Team Seven, your next duty is... babysitting an elder's grandson, shopping in the neighboring village, and help with the potato digging." It sounded more like chores, in all honesty.

At least the second one could get them out of the village for a day, right? "NO! NO! NO! NO! No, thank you! I want to do a more incredible mission, 'ttebayo! Find us a better one!!" Naruto's outburst made Shira and Kakashi face palm.

I agree...

How annoying...

I thought it was about time for this...

Naru-naru... do you even listen to yourself sometimes?

When the redhead saw the gleam in the Hokage's eyes, she couldn't deny that she intentionally zoned out the Hokage's speech about the different ranks of missions that was compatible to the ninja's skills and ranks.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Naru-naru started talking about what they would have for dinner. "Last night, Nee-san and I had pork ramen so Miso sounds good, right, Nee-san?" It seemed like their team was listening to Naruto ranting about ramen instead of listening to the Lord Third.

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