Act 1: "Nee-san!"

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"Nee-san! Nee-san! Wake up! Wake up! It's our first day in the Academy!!"

Uzumaki Naruto was a loud kid which was fairly obvious going by his choice of clothes.

It was their first day in the Academy and his lazy sister still refused to wake up. The blond pouted but couldn't help and grin, an idea popping inside his head. He snickered quietly to himself. Naruto jumped on top of his sister, making her gasp for breath in shock. 

Naruto grinned and immediately crawled away from her. He waited and waited but she didn't wake up. Naruto puffed his cheeks out in annoyance. "Fine! I'll go alone, Nee-san!" Even that didn't wake her up. Naruto sighed and and grabbed his bag. Nee-san is such a killjoy, 'ttebayo! It's our first day in the Academy and she sleeps in! 

Two hours passed by when Uzumaki Shira woke up, only to find her brother no where in their apartment. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before sitting down. "I forgot... we go to the Academy today..." She sighed. Shira didn't bother hurrying since she was already late anyway. After taking a ten minute shower, she wore a pair of black pants and a lavender shirt.

Accompanied by the Uzumaki necklace dangling on her neck, she nibbled on a piece of toast as she walked towards the direction of the Academy. On the way, she bought some take-outs from old man Teuchi for both her and Naruto.

"You're late as always, Shira!" The ramen stand owner commented with a laugh which she returned with a sheepish face.

"I didn't mean to sleep in, 'ttebane, but thank for the ramen, Teuchi-san."

She reached said school in ten minutes and went straight to her class. She knocked on the door with a bored look and after waiting for five seconds, the door opened.

"... eh?" The scarred man blinked down at her bored expression. "You're... Uzumaki Shira-kun, right? That... Naruto-kun's brother?"

The redhead tilted her head to the side in confusion. This guy... did he actually think she was a boy?

Well, it didn't matter. It was his fault for being wrong.

She nodded her head and said, "I got lost on the road of life." Which made Iruka feel a sense of deja vu, as if he had heard that from somewhere else. Everyone stopped talking to one another and glanced at their teacher and... someone who looked bored to death. They stopped in front and Iruka smiled down at her.

"I'm Umino Iruka, your teacher. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The girl shrugged and faced everyone with an indifferent look. Some sweat dropped cause she appeared as if she wanted to be somewhere else at the moment.

"Uzumaki Shira." The moment she introduced herself, the majority of girls in the class erupted into whispers. Inwardly, Shira winced and dubbed them as cannon fodders. Then again, with her unruly bedhead and clothes she borrowed from her brother, it wasn't that much of a surprise now that the she thought about it.

"Well, does anyone have any question for Shira-kun?"

Almost everyone shot up their hands in an attempt to be called. Shira swept her gaze over every one of them and saw a kid who almost looked bored to death like her. She pointed at him and he asked, "Do you like watching clouds?" The boy received a nod and everyone eagerly waved their hands. Looking over everyone once more, she pointed at a kid with duckbutt hair.

"Do you wanna be my friend?!" She shrugged her shoulders and pointed to another kid with long blonde hair. "Are you and that loudmouth really brothers?!" The girl had pointed at Naruto, who looked dejected. Shira inwardly scowled, the urge to hit her bubbled but she decided to humor her instead.

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