Act 15: "I'll be stronger, 'ttebayo!"

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Haku was fast on his feet.

Something had been bugging him that something might have happened to the village he now lived in. He dodged a loose branch as he regained his balance, clicking his tongue out of annoyance. If something did happen to the village, then Team Seven was bound to be caught up in it. Haku only hoped that everyone he dubbed as his new family would be safe.

He refused to let them die on his watch.



As soon as Shira fainted, the half transformed Gaara attacked Sakura and pinned her against a tree. Naruto quickly made another Shadow clone as both of them carried his twin and Sasuke out of line of fire.

Temari couldn't believe her eyes.

How? How did that lousy ninja managed to stand his ground against Gaara? If it was that red haired one, she would believe it so just how?

"Sakura-chan!" Exhaustion and worried overtook Naruto's face.

What am I supposed to do? Nee-san and Teme are out of it! And Sakura-chan is..! Naruto clenched his fists tight until a look of realization crossed through his face. Those eyes... it's the same from before. "What's wrong, weren't you gonna retreat!?" The blond bit his bottom lip, trying to stop himself from shouting.

Is this... what nee-san wants to avoid? She always told me when we were alone that... if she weren't there... if Iruka-sensei and Gramps weren't there... I would have grown to hate Konoha. Is that... is that what happened to Gaara?

He never felt lonely because even if he was resented, Shira... Iruka-sensei and Gramps have always been there for him. Even Teuchi-san and Ayame-san... now, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan and even that Teme... all of them were now there for him. Shira wanted to avoid him turning out like Gaara.

Was that why his sister had been nice to Gaara? He had never seen her glare at the Suna nin and he never heard a sneer or a scoff and he never saw her look at him with fear.

It was always passive.

It was always understanding.

It was always... loving.

Just the way she looked at him.

"What are they to you?" The Suna nin pressed further.

"They're my comrades! My family! So don't you dare go after them or else, I'll kick your ass!" His words aggravated Gaara further and this made his grip tighten around Sakura. "Now what? Aren't you going to kick my ass?" Naruto sent Pakkun a look before facing his opponent once more. "Just bring it!"

"DAMN YOU!" The blond charged at him, only to be swatted away like he was nothing. Pain traveled throughout his body, grinding of teeth could be heard coming from him. There's no other choice... even if it drains so much chakra, I have to do it for my team! Summoning no Jutsu!

A puff of smoke appeared under his palm and when he removed it, he didn't summon Gamabunta, instead a regular sized toad. "It's only a kid! Gimme snacks if you wanna ask a favor. Otherwise, I won't play with you." Three dots appeared above Naruto's head.

"Well, you know what?! I hate you all altogether!"

"What's that?! Don't you dare take amphibians for fools, you idiot!"

"Wait, I don't have time to waste with you lil' warty face." Naruto inwardly cursed. His eyes landed on his sister, whose face is scrunched up and little beads of sweat rolling down from her forehead. Don't worry, nee-san.

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