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"Kaa-chan! Nee-san won't wake up!"

The young female teen shot her eyes open and instantly sat down, fear swimming in those fearful purple eyes. "WAKE UP, TTEBANE! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" The purple-eyed teen sighed, glad that their mother didn't go to her room.

The other occupant chuckled, making the former glare at him through her long eyelashes. "That was a dirty move, Naru." She accused him before yawning. The blonde kept chuckling. "But it's so hard to wake you up, Shira-nee."

Shira sent him a playful glare before ruffling his already fixed hair. The blonde pouted, it took him twenty minutes to fix it!

Once Shira was ready, she and Naruto went downstairs. "Good morning, Kaa-chan, Tou-chan/!" They both greeted. Minato and Kushina looked up to whatever they were doing and greeted their children with a smile of their own. The twins sat on the chairs beside their father, leaving the one open across from Minato for their mother.

"So, are you two excited to see your friends again?" Their father asked before taking a sip of his morning coffee. "Yeah! We were gone for the entire summer vacation and you banned us from gadgets, ttebayo!" Naruto exclaimed while Kushina chuckled as she placed their breakfast in front of them.

"It's because you thought it was a great idea to use Kaa-chan's laptop in the pool one time. In which case, where all her files are saved. Just be thankful she has a flash drive where her files are copied, troublesome brother." Naruto's twin commented, raising an amused eyebrow.

The blonde teen pouted. "It was one time, -bayo!" The Namikaze family chuckled at the memory. Naruto had looked like a five years child hiding something. "It's not even that funny anymore, you guys!"


The twins walked to their destination since it was only a twenty-minute walk from their school. The blonde would always give a glare to whoever looks at Shira the wrong way, even the tiniest bit.

On the other hand, Shira was doing the same thing. She would give every girl they passed by the 'look' whenever they stare at her brother like he was a chunk of meat. In short, they were just overprotective siblings.

There was one time when a girl had the nerve to touch her brother's butt and the blonde had to hold her back before she can kill the girl. Then, there was also this time when a guy had the nerve to hit on his sister and Shira had to hold him back before he can kill the flirt.

In short, the Namikaze Twins are scary and strong and absolutely terrifying.

They reached school with thirty minutes to spare. They already knew what class they were in so they went there without taking anymore detour. Once they reached it though, the occupants of the room brightened up when they saw the twins.

"Shira! Naruto! Welcome back!" Kiba greeted with his toothy grin. Naruto returned his own grin at the Inuzuka while Shira merely waved a hand to acknowledge him. Ino smiled, "It looks like the gang is complete and all of us are classmates!"

Shira took the seat beside the sleeping Shikamaru and she copied his stance and took a nap of her own. Unknowingly, a pair of onyx eyes glared at the back of Nara's head. He wanted Shira to sit beside him but no! She saw the Nara and the empty seat beside him and took it!

Why won't she just sit beside him? Sasuke inwardly groaned. Is he destined not to be seated with her? Come on, he waited for so long! "Hey Sasuke teme, why're you so grumpy looking? It's so early, ttebayo!" The Uchiha closed his eyes shut and groaned again.

"Just shut up dobe. You're so freaking loud." He muttered quietly, knowing that there were two people who were sleeping. And one of them terrifying when woken up in an unfamiliar environment. "What didja say?! I didn't hear you, teme!"

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