Act 8: "From bad to worse, great."

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Shira gave a sigh of discontent as she stared at her brother and Sakura being restless so early in the morning. "Will you guys just stay still or something? It's too early to be troublesome." Her head laid itself on Sasuke's shoulders. Shira let out a sigh once more when she noticed that Sakura and Naru-naru just ignored her and resumed arguing with each other.

It was far too early to contract a headache. What a drag. I could have slept in more instead. Sensing a familiar chakra, she raised her head from Sasuke's shoulder, earning herself a disappointed look from the Uchiha. "Haku-kun, Pervy-sensei, hurry down. I don't think I can take their idiocy any longer." Tick marks popped on the trio's forehead while Shira stuck out her tongue towards their direction.

From this, Haku sweat dropped at her childishness but patted her on the head anyway. Sasuke glared at Haku when he saw the feminine boy pat the girl he liked on the head. Hn.

"Morning people!" Kakashi waved from atop and Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke rolled their eyes, making the silver-haired jounin sweatdrop. He felt loved... not. "Well, anyway, this is sudden but... I've nominated the four of you for the Chuunin Selection Exams." Shira's eyes snapped open at this information, half-lidded eyes no longer there.

Her eyes narrowed at this info and she straightened her posture. This action didn't go unnoticed by Haku and Kakashi. The two jounin (Haku had been appointed as such due to his skills) looked at each other from the corner of their eyes.

This can't be good. When I visited the Old Man last night, I heard there were many dangerous guys out there this time around. Shira sighed inwardly and knew she couldn't do anything about it. Suddenly, her thoughts went back to the redhead guy from before. Gaara, was it?

Her eyes narrowed at the thought. That guy... is the most dangerous right now. His killing intent is no joke. Shira started twirling a strand of her hair, a calculating look in her eyes.

"What did you say?!"

"You think that makes up for-?!"

"Here are your application forms."

Kakashi said while handing out four forms, Naruto grabbing Shira's since she was still deep in thought. "KAKA-SENSEI I LOVE YOU!!" The blond Uzumaki tackled him, Haku chuckling at the hilarious scene. "Naruto-san, this is still just a nomination. Whether your take this exam is up to each of you." Haku informed. "Those who wish to enter should sign them up and turn them into room 301 by 4 p.m. tomorrow. That is all." Haku gave them a final wave before the two disappeared in a poof.

Before the trio can leave, Shira's voice made them stop. "Sorry, but I have to go somewhere. Naru-naru, make sure to keep your room clean. I'll be out all night." Naruto tilted his head to the side in worry. "Eh? But why, Nee-san?" The redhead sighed and wondered how she should say this to them.

"I'm just going to make sure of something. Got the kunai?" Naruto produced a marked kunai inside his pouch and Shira nodded. "Good. I'll see you guys tomorrow." In a blink of an eye, Shira disappeared.

Naruto frowned and wondered what made his sister so worked up. Maybe the pressure of the Chuunin Exam? Yeah, that's it! Then, Naruto would just make sure that he'd protect his nee-san this time around! Alright, that's a promise!



Shira landed in front of the Academy with a sigh. Eyebags clearly visible beneath her eyes. I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night. "Nee-san, over here!" She looked up from the ground and saw Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke waiting for her by the Academy.

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