Act 33

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He didn't let curiosity get the best of him most of the time. Curiosity can be quite the dangerous thing. It can satisfy you, yes but is it worth it if you get hurt? Possibly, maybe. It depends on the person. They could quench their curiosity or just let it be. But he wasn't one to let it be. He didn't get curious much, really.

When he did, however, he'll do anything to satisfy it. Itachi wasn't one to get left in the dark. He wouldn't let himself. That's why when he saw the girl he saved a few months ago acting suspicious, he followed her. He doesn't like following people without valid reasons but this girl is his brother's classmate.

His brother's safety comes first, if that girl is a threat (somehow), then he'll do anything to keep his brother safe. He landed quite a few ways from where the young girl is, observing her actions. He watched as she sat down on the forest floor and opened up a scroll. There were also paper in front of her and a pencil, ink and a brush.

Itachi raises an eyebrow. What could she be doing? The Uchiha made himself comfortable on the branch, confident that he hasn't been detected yet. He watched her study the scroll and scribble down notes on the paper she brought and thenbthere were times where she would draw... is that a seal?

Now, the girl made Itachi's curiosity reached it's highest peak. "Ne, Weasel-san, why don't you come down here with me? I bet it's uncrm-uncrmo-uncomof-uncomfortable there." Itachi was surprised. She knew he was there? And really, it's adorable how she still trips her tongue over difficult words. The Uchiha hesitated, should he go down?

Might as well. She already knows he's there anyways. Itachi jumped down and landed silently beside her. He slowly crouched down and took in the sight in front of him. Almost all of her paper were full of notes and a good half of them were seals. Itachi's curiosity got the best of him and asked, "What are you doing, Shira-chan?"


Eye twitch. "Decoding what?"


Eye twitch. "And what is this something?"

He wasn't one to get impatient but her answers were just like Shisui's when he's hiding somehing and this annoys Itachi greatly. "Just something." The Uchiha heir was about to groan outloud but stopped himself. It was unbecoming of him. This girl is just as old as his brother, he reminds himself.

"Just something'? But you look determined, Shira-chan." He saw her stop writing down notes and peered at him through her messy bangs. They stared at each other for a while before she continued writing again and reading the scroll. Itachi waited, he knew she was going to crack any second now.

"The old man Hokage said it's a jutsu that made the Yondaime famous. No one has been able to decode this as of yet, not even the Nara Clan. I found this in our closet when I was cleaning." Itachi choked on his saliva. Closet? Yondaime!? And why would she call the Sandaime old man?!

Okay, calm down. She's just a kid, Itachi, she's just a kid, he reminded himself. There's no need to get worked up. Wait, a jutsu that made the Yondaime famous? Isn't that—?! Itachi's head whipped around to get a good look at the scroll. At the top corner it read 'Flying Thunder God Jutsu'. His yes widened in disbelief and shock.

She's trying to decode this?! His eyes then hovered over her notes and the seals. No, she was not only decoding this justu. She was also trying to recreate it! Itachi let out a breath. Unbelievable, this girl is unbelievable. He was no seal master but he could see how complex and dangerous those seals are.

And the Hokage is okay with this? Sure, he knew whose daughter Shira is, her parents were good friends with the Uchiha's to begin with. Even so, could she do it? Her father wasn't able to perfect this jutsu until he was an adult. Even if this girl in front of him has the structure and how the jutsu works, can she do it?

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