Act 11: "I'm here for you, nee-san!"

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It didn't take Shira long to wake up, considering that she was an Uzumaki and all. It took her a couple of minutes to actually register where she was. "Ah... it's just Sasuke..." When she looked beside her, on the other bed, there laid Sasuke. His face relaxed and it was obvious he wasn't in pain any longer just like her.

It wasn't like she didn't like Sasuke's presence. No, she liked being around but that snake was still out there. He must be causing havoc to Konoha or something. Shira shuddered at the thought when she remembered that snake's chakra. It felt disgusting. She wanted to throw up and dig herself a hole to hide in. Shaking her head, she took a peek at Sasuke once more.

He looked peaceful.

I... I need Naru-naru right now. Gathering her chakra, she hiraishined to Naruto.



"Hinata, you alright?! Hey!"

It was horrible.

Naruto felt sick watching this fight between Hinata and her cousin, Neji. How could he fight Hinata like that? Why did he hate her that much? Hinata was a gentle, albeit a shy girl and Neji didn't have to act that way towards her.

He couldn't even imagine fighting with his sister.

Shira was precious to him and he would refuse to fight her, competitive or friendly. For Neji to do that to someone like Hinata, someone who didn't avoid him and she even helped him on occasion (of course, not without stammering and blushing countless of times in the process) was completely outrageous. If his sister was here, she would have gone berserk.

So, he was a bit happy she wasn't here at the moment. Oh, oh, if she was here, he couldn't even begin to imagine what her reaction would be. But he wasn't happy still. No, he was furious. He vowed to take revenge for Hinata by beating his enormous ego in the last and final part of this exam. Naruto would show him who was stronger and make him realize how stupid he was.

"Hey, the loser over there..."

Naruto snapped out of his thoughts, Neji's voice catching his attention. "I'd like to tell you two things. If you're a shinobi, cut out that pathetic cheering for strangers and once more, a loser will always be a loser... they will never change!" His cerulean eyes narrowed at this proclamation. Oh, it was so on. He was gonna beat the shit outta him! "You wanna test me?"


He was nearing his limit and when Neji smugly smirked at him, his patience had crossed its border. Naruto formed a fist and charged towards Neji, who took a fighting stance. Naruto had every intention to punch him in the face full force to make him feel all his pent-up rage right now. However, a flash of red appeared in front of him and a hand caught his fist, another wrapped around his waist and pushed him down to the ground.

Naruto found himself lying on his stomach, someone sitting on top of him. "Gah! Get off of me!!" He struggled beneath the person sitting on top of him but was forced to stay still when that person pushed harder, making him kiss the dirt ground. "Naru-naru, calm down." He froze.

With difficulty, he managed to look up and see a familiar redhead glowering at him. Naruto mentally cursed at himself and looked back at the dirt ground. Yes, it was more interesting now than that Neji bastard.

Kakashi frowned upon seeing his female Uzumaki student up and about. It hadn't been that long since he put the seal but realizing it was in their blood, he let it off this one time. The girl was still a bit paranoid and he believed it was okay for her to be here, to be surrounded by people she knew and comfortable with.

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