Shippuden Act 30 (1)

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"I didn't expect an intel leak after coming here... we'll have to revise our plans."

Tsuchikage frowned at the thought. The two Jinchuriki hadn't been gone for that long but the enemy already knew their location.

Uzumaki Shira furrowed her eyebrows. With Karin's exceptional chakra sensing, she should have noticed Kisame inside the sword, right? Something must have gone wrong. She believed in Karin's abilities so there was definitely something that disrupted the bespectacled girl's attention.

(Unbeknownst to her, it was due to Kisame's chakra assimilating with Samehada's completely and with two Jinchuriki on board, it was almost impossible for Karin to detect any abnormalities within the sword.)

"But considering they know we know about the leak, they'll probably be watching as well and waiting for us to make a move."

"What about the island?" Tsunade spoke up. "It may be moveable, but we can't let our guard down. Those two are their main targets. We can count on them coming after them." The words Lady Hokage uttered caused a frown to form on Shira's lips, displeasure marring her features. The Akatsuki was truly getting on her nerves.

Because of them, she never had the time to laze around without worrying about what the future holds. If I get my hands on them, I'll rip them to pieces... She could already imagine it. Golden chains would wrap around each of their limbs before pulling them off from their bodies.

If one were to look into Shira's head in that moment, they would look at her with looks of disbelief and wonder if she was still right in the head.

"... you think, Shira?"

The daydreaming kunoichi snapped out of her thoughts, only to realize that all of the Kages were looking at her. A sheepish expression formed on her features. "What were you guys talking about again?"


Tsunade sighed, wiping the hand she used to hit Shira upside the head on her sleeve. "About who would go intercept the enemy before they reach the island."

"Oh," the redhead caressed the bump on her head, wincing slightly when it stung her a bit. "Tsuchikage seems to be the best option. I can have the rest of Hibana go along as backup. They've been hounding me for only sending Karin and Jugo to protect Naruto."

"I agree with Shira." Gaara spoke up, not seeing anything wrong with having her team go. The rest of the Kages glanced at both redheads, wondering why on earth they allowed these youngsters to lead the group. Then again, they were in the generation filled with unruly yet talented brats.

Stinky brats...



Jugo watched in exasperation as he stood behind Naruto who seemed fixated on the curled up giant armadillo in front of him. "Octopus guy, Jugo, I can't tell if this is male or female. It's curled up in a ball." He wondered why someone like Shira who was decisive but lazy had a twin who was like the sun and  always appeared goofy.

The twins were too different but they get along extremely well. Is this... the case of opposite attracts? Because as far as Jugo witnessed, no matter what Naruto does, Shira always seemed to indulge him unless it comes back to bite the blond in the ass.

"Hmph!" Karin adjusted her glasses, her arrival catching the trio's attention. "You probably need glasses, Naruto-san. This armadillo... is obviously a girl!" The redhead exclaimed in pride.

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