Act 13: "Damn everything."

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Ten minutes passed by yet neither her sensei or friends were ready.

A leaf landed on her head and she decided she had enough of waiting. "How long does it take for a guy to finish his troublesome hair-do? Hurry up already, duckbutt Sasuke! My match is next, 'ttebane!" She glowered at said Uchiha, her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping on the dirt ground in impatient.

Sasuke tripped over his two feet with a grunt, sending an identical glare back at Shira. Kakashi silently snickered at this, it has always been amusing watching those two bantering with each other.

After all, the former of the two has been in love with the other for who-knows-how-long already. It didn't take a genius at all, and yet, some girls that were infatuated with Sasuke just couldn't get the hint... and were too stubborn to admit that Shira was an actual girl. But that misconception was done with. Shira, much to Sasuke's ire, had worn those revealing clothes.

"Hn." He stood up and dusted himself. Be patient, woman. It's not like we're late... oh wait, we are. He quickly grabbed his stuff and pushed Kakashi towards Shira, who kept glowering at both men. "Took you long enough. Thought I had to wait for a decade for you to get done with 'fixing' your hair, dattebane."

Sasuke gave her an apologetic look but she merely looked away with a puff of her cheeks. She grabbed his shoulder and Kakashi's elbow and flashed away. The sensation through her technique made him dumbfounded. It was like he was being sucked into a hole at the center of his stomach and suddenly reappeared somewhere.

It wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. "Sorry, we're late. Is Shira-chan disqualified?" The Copy Cat Nin sheepishly asked while rubbing the back of his head. Shira set a stoic expression and kicked the back of her sensei's knees.

"Troublesome man."

The proctor sweat dropped and shook his head. "Luckily, the Hokage gave you an additional time. You made it on time, no thanks to your sensei I guess." Shira smirked in response and ignored the slight glare Kakashi sent her way.

Sasuke merely sighed and proceeded to join the other Genins, Naruto lecturing him for being late this one time. The Uchiha gave a grumble of annoyance as he watches Naruto gloat his victory earlier. Though, it did pique his interest. Who knew the dobe from the Academy could beat the Rookie of the Year from last year?

Shikamaru looked down from the balcony with (for once) a serious look on his face. "Ah, this is gonna be troublesome." He commented, catching Asuma, Gai, and Lee's attention. "Why do you say so?" His sensei asked while blowing out a smoke. He was quite surprised to see his usually lazy and uninterested pupil watch this match with undivided attention.

"Do you know that youthful girl?" Gai added. "Uzumaki Shira, she's Naruto's twin, fraternal that is. It was a wonder why she isn't Nara with that attitude of hers. Though, like me, she kinda toned her skills down quite a bit during the Academy.

"On our last year, maybe she got bored or maybe she did it on purpose, her grades drastically increased. From the preliminary match a month ago, it was obvious she's quite skilled and, dare I say, a prodigy. Her deadliest jutsu, however, would be the re-created Thunder God Technique of the Fourth Hokage."

This earned quite an attention from the people near him and this information intrigued a certain someone from the back. Oh, so that was what I went against. How interesting. "It's troublesome going against her so I guess my decision to forfeit is wise."

He finished explaining and leaned against his seat with a sigh, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.


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