Shippuden Act 13 (1)

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Haku was still a little bit out of it as he leaped from branch to branch

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Haku was still a little bit out of it as he leaped from branch to branch. After all, Shira was actually walking out in the open now and not in some kind of transformation jutsu. So what was going on?

Too deep in his thoughts, he almost disregarded the chakra that entered his range. It was... "Kakashi-senpai?" He whispered to himself in confusion. It didn't seem like the older man was in immediate battle so Haku decided to head to his direction.

It was just a feeling but it wasn't just a coincidence for Haku to encounter Shira and for the copy ninja to be in the area.






Shira was still unresponsive and Suigetsu was beginning to worry. Never had he seen the fearsome Uzumaki be reduced to such a state. Did that even make any sense?! A wanted ninja defeated by a kiss on the cheek? Seriously, the woman was a riot in his opinion. "Oi, Shira, we should get going." But only unintelligible words came out of her mouth.

Jugo and Karin sweat dropped at that.

Crouching down in front of her with a look of exasperation, Suigetsu reached out with his hand and poked their leader on the forehead in a gentle manner; gentle because he refused to die by accidentally incurring her wrath. It was a surprise Karin was still alive, actually, after kicking Shira on the face a few moments prior.

Despite the brief contact, the not so fearsome Uzumaki still remained frozen in Jugo's arms, looking almost like a statue. "Oi, Stupidgetsu, what happened earlier anyway? I'm quite sure someone had been out to get you... probably because of something stupid you did." Suigetsu clicked his tongue and retracted his hand away from their leader. "I'll have you know it wasn't me who started it, bitch."

Looking at the now peaceful expression of the redhead, he began to scowl as he remembered the pretty boy and how he made a move on Shira. "It was someone Shira knew. He confronted me out of nowhere."

A puzzled look crossed Karin's features. "If it was someone from Konoha, why wouldn't she tell us? Shira-kun's just as good at chakra sensing as me." Their leader wouldn't have put the team in immediate danger without telling everyone, after all. She wasn't the kind of person who would throw them into battle just because.

"You don't get it," Suigetsu scratched the back of his head in annoyance. "Whoever that Haku was, he was good. Like, really fucking good. I didn't even notice he was a ninja to begin with if he didn't attack me." The name Haku rang a bell at the back of Jugo's mind. It was as if he had heard of that name from someone before.

A groan came from the leader of Team Hibana and the trio clamped their mouth shut as Shira snapped out of her stupor at last. After blinking several times to reconfigure herself, she sat down. "... we should get going."

"That's what I've been telling you!" An irked Suigetsu yelled.

Jugo smiled in wary as he held back the shorter boy from attacking their leader. "L-Let's try not to waste anymore time, okay?" A hand held his wrist, making Jugo look down. "Karin, come over here. Now." Sensing the urgency in her tone, Suigetsu pulled Karin towards them, causing her to glare at him.

Before the three of them knew it, they found themselves at the rendezvous point. "Shira-kun." Karin finally realised why their leader seemed to anxious to get out of the village. She could sense two chakra signatures coming in fast west of the village they had just come from. "The Akatsuki travels by pair." With that, it was confirmed that those two signatures are people from that organization.

Jugo shifted his foot. He didn't have the ability to sense chakra in such long distances nor did he know why Shira seemed so adamant in destroying the Akatsuki. However, from what he deduced, that organization often came after Shira who wanted nothing to do with them. Despite the numerous refusal and the numerous defeat some of them experienced from her hands, they still kept chasing after her.

"Jugo, protect Karin." Karin pouted at that but knew she didn't stand a chance. Not that she didn't how to fight but the enemy was one she hadn't encountered before. Shira recruited her not only because of her ability to sense chakra but also because of her ability to break down skills and techniques. If they knew how one fundamentally works, they would be able to counter it.


"Yeah, yeah. I got yer back." Despite his exasperated countenance and that mock tired look in his eyes, the prospect of fighting alongside her made his body tingle in excitement. There was something about battling in pair with her that gets his blood pumping and lusting for more fights when Shira was with him. "Know anything about those bastards coming?"

"I've encountered one of them before but I don't know his partner." Not a minute longer, a big white figure flying in the sky came into view and on top of that were two figures clad in black robes decorated with blood red clouds. What seems to be a bird of white stayed in the air and stopped a few meters away from Team Hibana.

Uzumaki Shira inwardly sighed and knew that this battle would be a pain in the ass. She never did like those explosions, especially when her attention lapses for even a second amidst a fight.

'What a drag'

I think chapters will be shorter TwT
Online class is, as Shira thought earlier, a pain in the ass.


I just have a lot of things to do and the scenes I thought up is forgotten when classes start so I'm making chapters short QvQ

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