Act 21: "Did we hear you right?"

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"Nee-san! Nee-san! Wake up! We're gonna be late for training, 'ttebayo!"

Naruto jumped up and down on his sister's bed and didn't stop for a full minute. When he heard her groan, he mentally celebrated. However, he deflated when he was ignored and his sister went back to sleep. "Mou, wake up, ttebayo!" He tried again but his efforts were futile.

Tje blond pouted, puffing his chest out, and said, "Fine! Let's see how Kaka-sensei likes it when you're even later than him!" He stormed out of the apartment, never seeing the amused look on his twin's face. "Ah, you're so adorable, Naru-naru." She muttered under her breath and chuckled.

Shira stood up from her bed and stretched her arms. She took a quick shower and chose one of Sasuke's shirt to wear and a pair of black shorts. She made sure to secure her hitai-ate on her forehead. "Maa~ thank you for the hiraishin, Yondaime-sama." The redhead whispered to herself and hiraishined to Sakura's kunai. One second, she was in their apartment, the next, she was in their usual training ground.

"Good morning." Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi flinched upon hearing Shira's voice and before anyone could say or do anything, Naruto ran out into the clearing with a triumphed grin. "Haha! I beat you, nee-san!" But his victory was short lived when he noticed a certain redhead standing beside Sakura.

His jaw dropped in shock but soon pouted. "No fair! You used your super duper awesome jutsu! That's cheating, nee-san!" He whined like a five year old kid and this only made Shira smirk in amusement. "Accept your loss, pitiful little brother. Nothing's fair when we're ninjas."

"Unfair, dattebayo!"

Sakura blinked and looked back and forth between the two siblings. They've made up? That's great, the pink head thought. As much as annoying Naruto appeared to be, being depressed just didn't suit him. The thick invisible wall that separated them was no more.

The pinkette mentally smiled, glad that the two of them are getting along well again. She could never explain it. The bond between Naruto and Shira just spoke 'unbreakable' and 'loving'.  So, when this supposed 'unbreakable' bond was severed, the pinkette thought it was all ruse.

That all of it were just a joke but then, Shira and Naruto avoided each other like the plague and when the latter searched for his twin, Shira ran away from him.

They were just so loving, so protective and just so caring for each other that it never crossed Sakura's mind that they could argue just like every normal siblings. The Uzumaki Twins weren't suited for argument, Sakura decided. If anything, when those two dive into another argument, Sakura would make sure they'd make up quickly.

Depressed twins were the last thing they needed during missions. Whatever Kaka-sensei did yesterday, it worked like a miracle. The twins are acting like they've never even argued in the first place. It was like their relationship never had any rough obstacles to face.

However, Sakura knew that this only meant that their bond was stronger than before.

"Alright you two, quit it. We're training today. Er, well, I've noticed that only Sasuke has any elemental jutsu between all of you. Today, we're going to find out what affinity you have." At this, Naruto tilted his head in question. "Affinity?" Sakura facepalmed at his idiocy while Sasuke shook his head in dismay. 

Meanwhile, Shira merely proceeded to an explanation her brother will understand. "Naru-naru, think of a plain ramen bowl."  An image of a ramen materialized in front of Naruto thanks to Shira's adept use of basic genjutsu. "Uh huh."

"Ramen have several flavours, right? Think of it this way. Our chakra is the plain ramen bowl and the affinity of our chakra is those flavours. We have certain favorites depending how those flavours taste to us. Chakra affinity is just like that. Our affinity corresponds to our heritage most of the time. In short, the affinity of our chakra is to that of flavours of ramen, get it?"

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