Act 20: "I love you."

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"When will she wake up, sensei?"

"Dunno. Tsunade-sama said it's still up to Shira-chan when she'll wake up."

"I hope she'll wake up soon. I haven't seen Naruto so depressed before."

"Then, maybe that idiot should have thought more before saying what he said."

"Please do not argue here, Uchiha-kun. Shira-chan needs her rest."

"I wonder what that guy made her see."

"If it's that guy, then something horrible."

"Who are you talking about, Sasuke-kun?"


In the silent hospital room, a groan came from the patient lying on the bed. The other occupants turned their attention towards the redhead. "Shira?" Amethyst eyes bored into onyx ones as the owner groaned once more. "... what time is it?"

There were a few sighs of relief that entered her ears and she was quick to pay attention. Sasuke. Sakura. Pervy-sensei. Haku. The girl let out a sigh of her own. That person wasn't here. That's... a bit of a relief. "How long was I out?" She questioned. "A month and a few days. You had us all worried, Shira-chan." Haku answered while patting her on the head.

"I see. So I was out that long... I've never imagined that his kekkei genkai would be that powerful. No wonder he's an S-rank ninja." She commented with a calculative expression. Kakashi was quick to ask whatever's been bugging him when he heard his student had been put in the same situation as him.

"Shira-chan, what... what did he make you see?" Whatever comfortable silence there was, it was now gone. It was replaced with a tense atmosphere and a blank expression overtook the Uzumaki's features. "I... I don't want to talk about it." The other occupants looked at each other in worry.

Whatever she had seen, it was enough to make her this way. But what could it possibly be? There was nothing more than scary for her than Naruto hating- oh. Sasuke realized. That guy must have made her see that. "It was... Naruto, wasn't it?" Shira flinched when Sasuke said her brother's name. Against her will, she meekly nodded.

She knew she couldn't hide it for long. Her team were too observant to be deceived by a friend. "Yes, yes it was."

Just as she finished speaking, the door slammed opened and revealed the person she wanted to see the least. "Is nee-san awake?!" Cerulean blue met with purple amethyst. The latter averted her gaze in fear of him saying those three words.

The former was too oblivious and was about to approach but stopped when Shira muttered with a shaky voice, "... I want to be alone right now." Hurt flashed through the blond's features and he clenched his fists.

That's right. The last thing he said to her before she was in this state was that he hated her. But.... that was not true. He could never hate her.

"Oh." Was the only thing he could say before stepping out. The other visitors hesitated to leave but knew it was futile to get Shira to talk in her state right now.

Outside, Naruto didn't bother stopping his tears from running down his cheeks. It was painful having his sister pried away from him for weeks and now, he couldn't even go and stay by her side.

Everything could be traced down to those three words he could never take back.

He shunshined to the roof of the hospital and sat down. What was he going to do now?

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