Shippuden Act 10

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Orochimaru had been fooled

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Orochimaru had been fooled.

For the years this particular Uzumaki had been training under him, not once did he feel suspicious of her. Her hatred for Konoha was real, and that had blinded him from her true motive. She never had any intentions of staying here forever; instead, Uzumaki Shira stayed to get stronger. When he could no longer teach her anything useful, she was bound to betray him one point or another.

The sannin should have expected this yet he didn't. "Orochimaru," the spear went deeper into his pale arms, drawing out more blood. "It is clear that you no longer hold any advantage over me. If I wanted to, I would have killed you instantly. After all, I had you marked several weeks ago." Something burned on his elbow and Orochimaru knew that the hiraishin seal finally revealed itself on his skin.

When and how she was able to do that, the sannin knew not. He didn't even know it was possible to hide a seal for that long without being detected. The Uzumaki did not only surpass him in strength but also in mastery of seals. "I never had any intentions of handing my body over to you. If I didn't need to get stronger, I never would have sought you out years ago." Orochimaru breathed out deeply, his strength leaving him as seconds pass by.

"And the only reason why you didn't bother with Sasuke was the fact that my hiraishin would give you more mobility to move across each country." Her words spoke of truth and Orochimaru knew that. As always, she was spot on with her analysis.

For one reason or another, the eyes that always seemed lackadaisical to him turned into something ferocious. If Orochimaru was a snake, then the Uzumaki in front of him would be a predator that devours his kind with no hesitation. The pressure of her spear against his forearms increased even more and as the sannin felt his bones give way, his true self slipped out of his weakening shell he calls his body.

It laid limp against the bed, his real self slithering on the ground and he towered over Shira's petite form compared to his.





Uzumaki Shira scrunched her nose up in disgust, eyes darting from every snake that made up this vile man's true body. He was an ugly little thing and Shira would be glad to get rid of something so unpleasant from this world. Twirling her spear between her fingers, the Uzumaki readied herself, the blade of her weapon now free from blood. "It seems like your personality's not the only thing rotten about you; even your true body is sickening to look at."

The snake hissed at her but did she care?




Why would she anyway? Orochimaru had done his part, he had trained her to become strong enough to even challenge one of the legendary sannin. As Shira was finished with him, he no longer had worth in her eyes. What was left was the monster who she had wished to kill. Finally, she has her chance.

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